This class represents a Zip archive. You can ask for the contained entries, or get an input stream for a file entry. The entry is automatically decompressed. This class is thread safe: You can open input streams for arbitrary entries in different threads. author of the original java version : Jochen Hoenicke
For a list of all members of this type, see ZipFile Members.
[Visual Basic]
Public Class ZipFile
Implements IEnumerable
public class ZipFile : IEnumerable
using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using NZlib.Zip; class MainClass { static public void Main(string[] args) { ZipFile zFile = new ZipFile(args[0]); Console.WriteLine("Listing of : " + zFile.Name); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Raw Size Size Date Time Name"); Console.WriteLine("-------- -------- -------- ------ ---------"); foreach (ZipEntry e in zFile) { DateTime d = e.DateTime; Console.WriteLine("{0, -10}{1, -10}{2} {3} {4}", e.Size, e.CompressedSize, d.ToString("dd-MM-yy"), d.ToString("t"), e.Name); } } }
Namespace: ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip Namespace
Assembly: SharpZipLib.dll