TarHeader Fields

The fields of the TarHeader class are listed below. For a complete list of TarHeader class members, see the TarHeader Members topic.

Public Static (Shared) Fields

CHKSUMLEN The length of the checksum field in a header buffer.
DEVLEN The length of the devices field in a header buffer.
GIDLEN The length of the group id field in a header buffer.
GNAMELEN The length of the group name field in a header buffer.
GNU_TMAGIC The magic tag representing a GNU tar archive.
LF_BLK Block device file type.
LF_CHR Character device file type.
LF_CONTIG Contiguous file type.
LF_DIR Directory file type.
LF_FIFO FIFO (pipe) file type.
LF_LINK Link file type.
LF_NORMAL Normal file type.
LF_OLDNORM LF_ constants represent the "link flag" of an entry, or more commonly, the "entry type". This is the "old way" of indicating a normal file.
LF_SYMLINK Symbolic link file type.
MAGICLEN The length of the magic field in a header buffer.
MODELEN The length of the mode field in a header buffer.
MODTIMELEN The length of the modification time field in a header buffer.
NAMELEN The length of the name field in a header buffer.
SIZELEN The length of the size field in a header buffer.
TMAGIC The magic tag representing a POSIX tar archive.
UIDLEN The length of the user id field in a header buffer.
UNAMELEN The length of the user name field in a header buffer.

Public Instance Fields

checkSum The entry's checksum.
devMajor The entry's major device number.
devMinor The entry's minor device number.
groupId The entry's group id.
groupName The entry's group name.
linkFlag The entry's link flag.
linkName The entry's link name.
magic The entry's magic tag.
mode The entry's permission mode.
modTime The entry's modification time.
name The entry's name.
size The entry's size.
userId The entry's user id.
userName The entry's user name.

See Also

TarHeader Class | ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Tar Namespace