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528 520;845= @07<5@ (OP_QUEUERANKING) 529 ;85=B0 '%s' (IP:%s) ?@8G8=O20 3@5H:0: %u. 7:;NG20=5 =0 :;85=B0! 530 5 5 ;8=: =0 D09;0 531 @5H:0: 52J7<>6=> 40 A5 AJ74045 G0AB8G5= D09; 532 @5H:0 ?@8 2E>4OI8B5 UDP ?0:5B8 (09-25@>OB=> =5:>=D83C@8@0= AJ@2J@) 533 *** '0B A5A8O AB0@B8@0=0: 534 @8>@8B5B =0 D09;0 535 B15;O70=8 536 0?8B0=8 537 >A;54=> 284O= 538 Banned 539 =>3> 28A>: 540 .75@8 541 @>20;5=8 542 B20@O=5 =0 D09; 543 0B0 544 Partfilename: 545 Downloading (from %d sources) 546 .7J@ID 547 ;85=B 548 !J@2J@ 549 @>9 70?8B0=8: %dx - @>9 =0;8G=8 G0AB8: %d 550 \n8<5 =0 D09; =0 :;85=B0: 551 <5 =0 =8:: %s\n 552 $09; AB0B8AB8:8 70 B078 A5A8O: @85B8 %d of %d 70O2:8, %s 109B>25\n 553 $09; AB0B8AB8:8 70 2A8G:8 A5A88: @85B8 %d of %d 70O2:8, %s 109B>25 554 0O25= =5?>7=0B D09; 555 @5<5 >B ?J@28O B@0=AD5@: %s 556 !@54=0 3>;5<8=0 =0 D09;0: %s 557 A:0=8O 558 @85B8 70O2:8 559 @5E2J@;5=8 40==8 560 @5<0E=8 871@0=8B5 BJ@A5=8O 561 @5<0E=8 871@0=8B5 562 @5<0E=8 2A8G:> 563 71@0=0 >?0H:0 564 @>?04=0;8 AJ@2J@8 565 .75@8 =0 @01>B5I8B5 AJ@2J@8 566 $09;>25 =0 @01>B5I8B5 AJ@2J@8 567 A8G:> .7J@8 568 A8G:> $09;>25 569 Upload @5<5 570 ?>A;54=> 702J@H5=: 571 0 572 5 573 Unbann 574 01>B5I8 !J@2J@8 575 4>102O=5 :J< ?>AB>O==8O AJ@2J@ ;8AB 576 4>1025= :J< ?>AB>O==8O AJ@2J@ ;8AB 577 >AB>O=5= 578 52J7<>6=> 40 1J45 >B2>@5= staticservers.dat 579 @8B8G5A:0 3@5H:0 2 ?0:5B0 40==8 70 %-B0 (3@5H=0 3>;5<8=0) - 1;>:JB 40==8 5 ?04=0; 580 :B82=8 2@J7:8 (?@81;878B5;=>) 581 0:A8<0;=8O ;8<8B =0 2@J7:0B0 4>AB83=0B 582 !@545= 1@>9 2@J7:8 (?@81;878B5;=>) 583 0:A8<C< 2@J7:8 (?@81;878B5;=>) 584 :B82=8 2@J7:8 585 @560 586 7B@8B8 AJ@2J@8 587 Queue Full 588 !@54=> 589 09B0 590  591  592  593 " 594 !5:C=48 595 <8=CB8 596 '0A0 597 =8 598 ED2K 8=:>25 599 2B><0B8G=0B0 2@J7:0 :J< AJ@2J@0 I5 A5 ?>2B>@8 4> %d A5:C=48 600 Server added: %s 601 Ignore Join info messages 602 1I> CA?5H=8 upload A5A88: %i (%.2f%%) 603 Ignore Part info messages 604 1I> ?@>20;5=8 upload A5A88: %i (%.2f%%) 605 !@54=> 2@5<5 70 upload: %s 606 X Q .   ° · X µ! 607 X ° T!?.   ° · X µ! 608 Enable online signature 609 Failed to save 610 .7J@ %s (%u) 70O28; B2>OB0 ;8AB0 AJA A?>45;5=8 D09;>25 -> %s 611 @85B> 612 B:070=> 613 Download 614 Upload 615 Autoconnect to static servers only 616 Limits 617 I.C.H active 618 @5<5 70 A@54=0B0 4803@0<0: %i <8=CB8 619 803@0<8 620 !B0B8AB8:8 621 Ignore Quit info messages 622 0AB@>9:0 =0 48A?;5O 70 AB0B8AB8:8 624 "2J@4 ;8<8B 625 more... 626 :/A 627 "2J@45 <=>3> 2@J7:8 628 $09; A B0:>20 8<5 25G5 AJI5AB2C20, D09;JB 5 18; AJE@0=5= :0B> %s 629 Downloaded: 630 @81025= 70 download: 631 7?>;M0=5 =0 72C: 632 >2> 2;870=5 ?@8 @538AB@0F8O 633 0?>G20=5 =0 =>20 G0B A5A8O 634 >2> G0B AJ>1I5=85 5 ?@85B> 635 A download is finished 636 !J>1I5=8O 637 Pop up message 638 Pop out when 639 !J>1I5=85 >B 640 Capacities 641 !B0BCA =0 @538ABJ@0 642 !B0BCA 643 * !B0@B8@0=5 =0 ;8G=0B0 G0B A5A8O 644 * %s H0<0@8 %s =02AO:J45 A 3>;O<0 Babelfish! 645 8G=> AJ>1I5=85 646 ? 647 5? 648 Voice 649 >;C->? 650 0E0=5 =0 ?>;C->? 651 8B=8: 652 ;5A=8F0 653 ;870< 654 8AB =0 :0=0;0 655 !2J@720=5 656 7:;NG20=5 657 * %s 2;870 %s 658 * %s 5 G0AB %s (%s) 659 * %s 5 87@8B0= >B %s (%s) 660 Your nick is already being used in the IRC server. Please choose a different nick in the IRC tab in Preferences. 661 5>9A 662 * %s =0?CA=0 (%s) 663 * %s 5 25G5 %s 664 * %s A;030: %s %s 665 ** O:>9 =>28 ?@><5=8, :>8B> A0 =0?@025=8 =5 A5 ?>44J@60B 2 <><5=B0. 85 B@O120 40 =0?CA=5B5 8 40 2;575B5 >B=>2> 2 :0=0;0, 70 40 A5 >1=>28 =8:-;8AB0B0.. 666 0=0; 667 8: 668 7?@0I0< 669 <5 670 PRIVMSG %s :ACTION slaps %s around with a large Babelfish! 671 Add timestamp to messages. 672 Use Channel List Filter. 673 Perform 674 Use perform string on connect. 675 Add to friends list 676 Load server channel list on connect. 677 added you as friend! 678 The number you have selected for "%s" is larger than your OS supports: %d\nThis may cause your system to become unstable.\n\nAre you sure you want to do this? 679 Take over 680 Cleanup 681 Rename 682 Add this to the IRC clipboard to send to friends. 683 Send this to friend: 684 %s sent (%s) to be auto started. 685 Accept ED2K links in IRC. (Use this with caution!) 686 Shared 687 Downloaded 688 Source Names 689 Start minimized 690 Urgent: out of diskspace, server connection lost 691 Colors 692 Background 693 Grid 694 Download current 695 Download time-average 696 Download session-average 697 Upload current 698 Upload time-average 699 Upload session-average 700 Active connections 701 Active downloads 702 Active uploads 703 Set Upload-Speedlimit 704 Set Download-Speedlimit 705 Unlimited 706 minimum recommended %i 707 Set full up/down-speed 708 Throttle up/down-speed 709 Ignore info messages. 710 Connection lost 711 Operating System 712 How many downloads do you usually have going at once? 713 Hashing file: 714 If you tested your connection speed, put results here. 715 Preset Buttons 716 True Upload Bandwidth 717 True Download Bandwidth 718 Friends 719 *** Disconnected 720 Wizard 721 Add to Friends 722 Remove Friend 723 removed from static server list 724 Remove from static server list 725 Length 726 Video 727 Audio 728 File &Info 729 Codec 730 Bitrate 731 Width 732 Fps 733 Channels 734 Samplerate 735 Round Bitrate 736 Height 737 Unable to retrieve shared files from '%s' 738 Requesting shared files from '%s' 739 View Files 740 Establish Friend Slot 741 (Friend Slot) 742 Automatic server connect without proxy 743 disable 744 Select your connection type here: 745 Connection Type 746 Concurrent Downloads 747 Unit: 748 Custom 749 (enter below!) 750 Max Downloadrate Average: %.2f kB/s 751 Warning: USS currently does not support upload speeds less then 10K. If you know your connection is not able to handle this, please disable USS. 752 Max Downloadrate: %.2f kB/s 754 Safe Connect. 755 You need a HighID to create a valid sourcelink 756 Copy ED2k link to clipboard (source) 757 Failed to load server.met! 758 Corrupted compressed packet for %s received (error %i) 759 The file emfriends.met is invalid or corrupted! 760 Unknown error while reading emfriends.met: %s 761 Unknown server info received! 762 Fatal Error: Failed to create Timer 763 Down (kbit/s) 764 Up (kbit/s) 765 Choose a folder for incoming files 766 Choose a folder for temp files 767 Auto 768 Auto [No] 769 Auto [Hi] 770 Auto [Re] 771 Auto [Lo] 772 Connection attempt to "%s" (%s:%i ) timed out 773 Connecting to "%s" (%s:%i ) failed. 774 Failed to connect to all servers listed. Making another pass. 775 Connection Limits 776 Max. new connections / 5 secs. 777 Add new shared files with auto priority 778 Max Users 779 Extended Settings 780 Warning: Do not change these setting unless you know what you are doing. Otherwise you can easily make things worse for yourself.\neMule will run fine without adjusting any of these settings. 781 Add a friend 782 Required Information 783 Additional Information 784 You have to enter a valid IP and port! 785 Add 786 Recovered part.met file for: %s 787 Comment this file! (This text will be shown to all users) 788 For a film, you can say it's length, it's story, the language... And if it is a fake, you can inform other eMule users... 789 %s file comment 790 Change this file's comment... 791 No comments 792 File comment: 793 Not connected yet... 794 Show all comments 795 Refresh 796 All Comments 797 No comments entered... 798 File quality 799 Choose the file rating or advice other users if it is invalid 800 Invalid / Corrupt / Fake 801 Poor 802 Good 803 Fair 804 Excellent 805 Not rated 806 K 807 M 808 G 809 T 810 Ignore Emule Proto Messages 811 Use smart LowID check on connect 812 Server Occupation: %.2f%% 813 Progressbar Style 814 Autotake ED2K Links only during runtime 815 Add files to download in paused mode 816 Try to download first and last chunks first 817 Don't update queue list in real time 818 1 file recovered. 819 %ld files recovered. 820 Attempting archive recovery... 821 Archive recovery successful. 822 Archive recovery failed. 823 Start next paused file when a file completes 824 Try to transfer full chunks to all uploads 825 Set manually added servers to High Priority 826 Verbose (additional program feedback) 827 flat 828 round 829 Client '%s' and '%s' have the same userhash or IP - removed '%s' 830 Extension 831 Availability 832 Lost to corruption: %s Gained by compression: %s\nPackages saved by I.C.H.: %i 833 No help-file found.\n Please visit our homepage to get a copy of the newest help-file! (download section) 834 Show overhead bandwidth 835 >@5: %.1f | >;C: %.1f 836 List 837 Systrayicon Speedbar 838 Rating for file '%s' received: %i 839 Description for file '%s' received: %s 840 Web Services 841 Edit web services 843 Check for new version 844 Startup 845 A new version of eMule is available! Check the project-homepage for more information. 846 A new version of eMule is available. Click here to read about the new version! 847 Unable to check for new version. 848 New eMule version detected 849 No new eMule version detected. 850 &Versioncheck 851 \n\nDo you want do visit the Informationpage now? 852 Video Player 853 Create backup to preview 854 (empty=default) 855 My Info 856 ID 857 Low ID 858 High ID 859 Obtained Parts 860 Total Overhead (Packets): %s (%s) 861 File Request Overhead (Packets): %s (%s) 862 Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): %s (%s) 863 Server Overhead (Packets): %s (%s) 864 Creating file completion thread failed 865 File Buffer Size 866 Queue Size 867 days 868 Failed to make backup of creditfile 869 Comment 870 Filtered IP: %s (%s) 871 Completed 873 Filtered: %i 874 Filter messages containing: (Separator | ) 875 Client requested too large of a block. 876 Show transfer rates on title 877 No history message! 878 Add new downloads with auto priority 879 Last Reception: 880 Runtime 881 all 882 Add category 883 Edit category 884 Remove category 885 Category 886 Title 887 Color 888 Default 889 Display 890 Show all unassigned 891 Show all 892 Indicate downloads with comments/rating by icon 893 uncatalogued 894 Assign to category 895 (unassign) 896 Add these ED2k-file-links to download?\n 897 ED2k-file-link on clipboard 898 Watch clipboard for ED2K filelinks 899 Security 900 %i IP-filters loaded 901 IP-Filter 902 Edit 903 Filter level 904 Filter servers too (rejects dynIP-servers too) 905 Ignore comments containing: (Separator | ) 906 Known Clients 907 Folder 908 Upload Status 909 Transferred Up 910 Download Status 911 Transferred Down 912 Pending 913 Low To Low IP 914 Error 915 &Open incoming folder 916 Hotmenu 917 Disable Known Client List 918 Disable Queue List 919 Use Credit System (Reward Uploaders) 920 Do you want eMule to manage your download priorities? Turning this on will allow eMule to make sure downloads with a lot of sources do not interfere with downloads that have few sources. If you just updated from a client v0.26 and below, all current downloads have been defaulted to Auto Prio. This option will only effect future downloads. (Default Yes) 921 Do you want eMule to manage your upload priorities? Turning this on will allow eMule to boost rare files meaning popular files will be harder for other people to get. Turning this off will allow eMule to upload popular files more often meaning rare files will be harder for other people to get. If you just updated from a client v0.26 and below, all current shared files have been defaulted to Auto Prio. This option will only effect future shared files. (Default Yes) 922 Do you want to reward people that upload to you? This is commonly known as the Credit System. Turning this on will help fight against leachers. If you are a dedicated releaser, you will want to turn this off. (Default Yes) 923 Do you want to upload full chunks? Using full chunk gives the client a better chance to complete a chunk. Turning this off will help rotate your queue faster. If you are a dedicated releaser, you will want to turn this on. (Default Yes) 924 Do you want eMule to connect using Safe Connect? Turning this feature off allows eMule to connect to servers a little faster, but can cause you to get more false lowID connects. (Default No) 925 Do you want to run a first-run setup-wizard? 926 Do you want eMule to connect at startup? (Default No) 927 You have now completed the first time wizard. All these settings and more can be changed by clicking the preferences icon. For explainations and support check out the help by pressing F1 in eMule! 928 Please enter your username: 929 Save CPU- && Memoryusage 931 Save log to disk 934 Edit Category-Properties 935 Web Server 936 enabled 937 Login 938 Enter your password here 939 Login Now 940 Are you sure to remove this server from list? 941 Web Control Panel 942 Logout 943 Actions 944 Show Queue 945 Hide Queue 946 Gzip Compression 947 Save traffic, especially in graphs. 948 Enable or disable the display of waiting queue in transfer page. 949 Refresh-Time of Pages 950 Time in seconds (zero=disabled): 951 URL 952 Template 953 Debug Log 954 Password 955 File Settings 956 Can't load templates: replace file %s with a newer version! 957 Connection Limits 958 Downloaded total 959 Uploaded total 960 Increase Priority 961 Decrease Priority 962 Speed Limits 963 Bandwidth Limits 964 Administrator 965 Access denied! 966 Guest 967 Can't load templates: Can't open file %s 968 Global (Server) 969 Method 970 Web-1078@0=> BJ@A5=5 971 nothing 972 set uploadlimit 973 set downloadlimit 975 daily 976 Mon-Fri 977 Sat-Sun 978 Monday 979 Tuesday 980 Wednesday 981 Thursday 982 Friday 983 Saturday 984 Sunday 985 Webserver-Admin-Login 986 Webserver-Guest-Login 987 Webserver: Logout 988 Details 989 Action 990 Remove 991 New 992 Webserver: Failed Loginattempt 993 File larger than the supported size of the edonkey protocol (>=4GB) 994 Accept from friends only 995 Accept from valid clients only 996 Mon-Sat 997 Limit sources 998 Limit connections/5secs 999 Cat:Stop Downloads 1000 Cat:Resume Downloads 1001 Days 1002 Start Time 1003 Value 1004 Enter the datarate limit: 1005 Please enter the new value: 1006 Configure Action 1007 Select category 1008 all unassigned 1009 active session(s) 1010 WebSrv. 1011 Refetch Results 1012 File Hash 1013 Global Search 1014 Proxy 1015 Enable Proxy 1016 Proxy type: 1017 Proxy host: 1018 Proxy port: 1019 Enable authentication 1020 authentication 1021 Show download info on category tabs 1022 Search in progress. Refetch results in a moment! 1023 Log Entry 1024 Copy 1025 Select All 1026 Autoscroll 1027 Welcome to eMule 1028 This wizard will guide you through the first steps in configuring eMule. 1029 To continue, click Next. 1030 Completing the Wizard 1031 eMule First Runtime Wizard 1032 To close this wizard, click Finish. 1033 Full Chunk Transfer 1034 Resume next paused 1035 Don't change 1036 Change priority for new assigned files 1037 prefer same category 1038 Don't recreate statistic graphs on resize 1039 Soft File Limit 1040 Hard File Limit 1041 Filter 1042 Links 1043 Switch Scheduler On 1044 Switch Scheduler Off 1045 eMule Homepage 1046 eMule FAQ 1047 eMule Versioncheck 1048 Display source exchange messages 1049 User %s (%u) requested your list of shared directories -> %s 1050 User %s (%u) requested your list of shared files for directory '%s' -> %s 1051 User %s (%u) shares directory '%s' 1052 User %s (%u) sent not requested list of shared directories - ignored 1053 User %s (%u) sent list of shared files for directory '%s' 1054 User %s (%u) finished sending lists of shared files 1055 User %s (%u) sent not requested list of shared files for directory '%s' - ignored 1056 User %s (%u) denied access to list of shared directories/files 1057 Cleanup filename 1058 Initialisations 1059 Enter words to filter, seperated by | 1060 Edit filename wordfilter for name-cleanup 1061 Select view filter 1062 Incomplete 1063 Cumulative 1064 Overhead 1065 Records 1066 Overhead: %s (%s Packets) 1067 Completed Downloads 1068 Max. Working Servers 1069 Max. Users Online 1070 Search for 1071 Max. Files Available 1072 Max. Files Ever Shared 1073 Search in column 1074 Largest Share Size 1075 Largest Average File Size 1076 Overall Run Time: %s 1077 Session 1078 Session UL:DL Ratio: 1079 Cumulative UL:DL Ratio: 1080 No matching entry found. 1081 Current Server Duration 1082 Seconds 1083 Download Sessions 1084 Minutes 1085 Successful Download Sessions 1086 Failed Download Sessions 1087 Average Downloaded Per Session 1088 Upload Sessions 1089 Gained Due To Compression: %s 1090 Lost Due To Corruption: %s 1091 Average Uploaded Per Session 1092 Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: %u 1093 Are you sure you wish to reset your cumulative statistics?\n\nIf you change your mind, you can reverse this action by clicking the 'Restore Stats' button. 1094 Confirm Reset 1095 Are you sure you wish to restore your cumulative statistics from the backup file?\n\nClicking 'Restore Stats' again will reload your current statistics. 1096 Confirm Restore 1097 ERROR: The backup statistics file was not found... 1098 Loaded backed up statistical data... 1099 Statistics have been reset! 1100 Reset Statistics 1101 Restore Statistics 1102 Connection Statistics 1103 Connections Statistics Y-Axis Scale: 1104 Active Connections Ratio: 1105 Problematic 1106 Hours 1107 Largest Shared File 1108 Client Software 1109 Part File 1110 Data Source 1111 Complete File 1112 General 1113 Transfer Time 1114 Download Time 1115 Upload Time 1116 Total Server Duration 1117 Max Average Upload Rate 1118 Max Upload Rate 1119 Average Download Time 1120 Old 1121 Default 1122 Other 1123 Statistics Tree 1124 Copy Selected Branch 1125 Copy All Statistics 1126 HTML Features 1127 Export All Statistics 1128 Export All Visible 1129 Copy All Visible 1130 Expand All Sections 1131 Collapse All Sections 1132 Expand Main Sections 1133 Statistics last reset: %s 1134 Monthly 1135 Yearly 1136 Time Statistics 1137 Projected Averages 1138 Time Since Last Reset: %s 1139 Failed to initalize cryptokeys - secure ident disabled 1140 Identification: 1141 Successful 1142 Invalid 1143 Not supported or disabled 1144 Safe .met/.dat file writing 1145 invalid UNC-name 1146 Never 1147 Always 1148 On shutdown 1149 UNC Folders 1150 Use secure identification 1151 Advanced spamfilter 1153 Secure Ident (OK : Failed ) 1154 Size on disk: 1155 Warning: Found matching client, to a currently connected client: %s (%s) and %s (%s) 1156 Unterminated string 1157 General error 1158 Missing right side for OR operator 1159 Missing right side for NOT operator 1160 Missing expression for '(' ')' 1161 Missing closing ')' 1162 Missing left side of AND operator 1163 Missing left side of OR operator 1164 Missing left side of NOT operator 1165 Failed to parse search expression 1166 Expression too complex 1167 Invalid units for Min/Max filesize specified 1168 Version 1169 Swap all sources to this file now 1171 Swap all sources to any other file now 1172 Automatically swap all (A4AF)sources to this file 1173 Swap source to this file now 1174 Swap source to any other file now 1175 Sources handling (A4AF) 1176 MobileMule 1177 Enable MobileMule 1178 Auto Cat-Assignment (pattern, seperated by |) 1179 Show more controls (advanced mode controls) 1180 True 1181 False 1182 OK 1183 Font for Server-, Message- and IRC-Window 1184 Select font 1185 Soft- / Hard-Filelimit 1186 Server Information 1187 kBits/sec 1188 kBytes/sec 1189 Failed to create %s directory "%s" - %s 1190 The incoming directory must not be set to an eMule installation directory. 1191 The temporary directory must not be set to an eMule installation directory. 1192 Incoming directory and temporary directory must not be the same. 1193 Failed to create MobileMule Socket! 1194 MobileMule server started on Port %i. Protocol version: %s 1195 Show percentage of download completion in progressbar 1196 Download added 1197 Artist 1198 Album 1199 MobileMule Guide 1200 Requested upload: 1201 For the changed settings to take effect, please restart eMule! 1202 , %i clients deleted (not seen within 5 month) 1203 %i (Useful: %i, NNP: %i, A4AF: %i) 1204 Show &Meta Data... 1205 Meta Data 1206 (%s ago) 1207 Dates 1208 File Information 1209 Free Space on Tempdrive: 1210 Connect to help channels. 1211 /join #emule | /join #emule-bulgarian 1212 From friends only. 1213 Complete Sources 1214 no end time 1215 Download added: 1216 Match keywords 1217 Fatal Error: Failed to reopen Partfile '%s' (%s)! 1218 There is already a preview request pending from this client 1219 Preview from User '%s' failed 1220 Disk Space 1221 Number of Downloads: %d 1222 Total Size of Downloads: %s 1223 Total Completed Size: %s (%.0f%%) 1224 Total Size Left to Transfer: %s 1225 Total Space Needed by Downloads: %s 1226 Free Space on Tempdrive: %s 1227 %s (you need to free %s!) 1228 Server connection refresh interval [min.] 1229 &More 1230 T&ools 1231 If you want to search the Jigle database without specifying a file type, you have to specify at least a file extension! 1232 Copy eD2K Link To Clipboard (Hostname) 1233 (%u hashing) 1234 Check Diskspace 1235 Hostname for own eD2K links 1236 Insufficient Diskspace 1237 Min. free diskspace [MB] 1238 Warning 1239 Import partfiles (eM, eD, ON) 1240 Reading part folder 1241 Retriving basic information from partfile 1242 Creating destination partfile 1243 Loading data from old part file (%i of %i) 1244 Saving data block into new single partfile (%i of %i) 1245 Fileerror while converting partfile 1246 Retriving source partfile information 1247 Adding download and save new partfile 1248 Fetching status... 1249 in progress 1250 Error: Out of diskspace 1251 Error: Partmet not found 1252 Error: IO Error! 1253 Error: Failed! 1254 Queued 1255 Already downloading 1256 &Add imports 1257 &Retry selected 1258 Re&move selected 1259 Please choose a single partmet-folder or your old tempfolder with all the partmet-subfolders! 1260 Do you want the source-partfile of successfully imported downloads be deleted? 1261 %s (Disk:%s) 1262 Importing %s: %s 1263 Find best upload limit automatically 1264 Ping tolerance (% of lowest ping) 1265 Going up slowness 1266 Going down slowness 1267 Max number of pings for average 1268 Lowest allowed upload speed 1269 Estimated time left: 1270 Transfer rate: 1271 Save log 1272 Copy comment to clipboard 1273 The language you selected is not installed on your system. Do you want eMule to download it from emule-project.net? 1274 Download language files 1276 Failed to download and install selected language dll from %s! 1277 Invalid folder.\nFolder can not be created. Please check name and location. 1278 Auto clear completed downloads 1279 3 failed logins for MobileMule logged - any further attempt is blocked for 10 min! 1280 New user successfully logged into MobileMule-Server 1281 from known clients 1282 Kads UDP port conflicts with either eMule's Ext UDP port or eMule's Server UDP port. Port has been changed to %u. 1283 Do you really want to remove all selected files from disk? 1284 Open folder 1286 Delete from disk 1287 Bootstrap 1288 via ED2K Server/Queue 1289 &Kad 1290 via Kad 1291 via Source Exchange 1292 Select Bitmap for Toolbar 1293 Select Bitmapdir 1294 Toolbar skins 1295 No labels 1296 right of the icon 1297 Text labels 1298 below the icon 1299 Customize Toolbar 1301 Recheck Firewall 1302 Shared ED2K|Kad 1303 Bootstrapping inactive now (Kad disabled or already connected). 1304 Firewalled 1305 Kad 1306 Contacts 1307 Distance 1308 Key 1309 Number 1310 Search Sources (%i:%i) 1311 Search Keywords (%i:%i) 1312 Node Lookup (%i:%i) 1313 Store File (%i:%i) 1314 Store Keyword (%i:%i) 1315 Unknown (%i:%i) 1316 TCP compression 1317 Current Searches 1318 Extended UDP protocol for source requests 1319 Extended UDP protocol for file requests 1321 &Help 1322 Friend not added. \n \nThere is already a friend with same IP address and port available. 1323 Upload SpeedSense 1324 Kad Overhead (Packets): %s (%s) 1325 Find... 1326 Log banned clients 1327 Log received file descriptions and ratings 1328 Log secure ident 1329 Log filtered and/or ignored IPs 1330 Log file save actions 1331 All IP Filter Files (*ipfilter.dat;*ip.prefix;*.p2p;*.p2p.txt)|*ipfilter.dat;*ip.prefix;*.p2p;*.p2p.txt|eMule IP Filter Files (*ipfilter.dat;*ip.prefix)|*ipfilter.dat;*ip.prefix|Peer Guardian Files (*.p2p;*.p2p.txt)|*.p2p;*.p2p.txt|Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 1332 Do you really want to delete the selected IP filters? 1333 Total IP filters: 1334 Total IPs: 1335 Delete 1336 Append... 1337 Save 1338 Start 1339 End 1340 Level 1341 Description 1342 Hits 1343 IP Filters: 1344 You are currently not connected to the Kad Network! 1345 No Shared Files Selected 1347 Ignore Misc info messages 1348 Known