

eD2k Weblinks do not work. The browser throws an error message
eMule needs to be correctly associated with the special weblink format. Some other Software may change this association so clicking on a weblink will either produce an error message in the browser or the download / serverlist is not added. If the ED2K Link button in eMules's Preferences -> General is greyed out but the links still do not work the windows registry has to be checked. Use regedit (Start -> Run -> regedit) to access these keys:

Name: (Standard)
Type: REG_SZ
Data: "Path to emule.exe(with quotes!)" %1


same as above

If you have problems with eMule's link association delete all entries after HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ed2k\... and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ed2k\... then press the eD2k Link button in eMule again.
Backup registry before changing it!

Opera 7.2x and above
Run eMule. In Opera go to File -> Preferences -> Programs and paths -> Protocols and press the Add button. In the upcoming dialog enter ed2k in the Protocol field and the path to eMule automatically appears in the Open with default application. If it does not, the correct path to the eMule.exe will have to be provided in the Open with other application field.

Older Opera versions:
To allow weblinks to work from Opera, a configuration file in Opera's installation folder has to be edited. Quit Opera and open either one of the files in an editor, e.g. notepad.
Opera 6.x:
Add the line TrustedExternalURLProtocols=ed2k under [User Prefs] in the file Opera6.ini and safe it.
Opera 7.x:
For Opera 7.x add the same line in the file OperaDef6.ini.

Mozilla, Firefox
You will need a special plugin to associate different link formats like eD2k to the Mozialla or Firefox browser. Get mozex (alternate download link), open your browsers preferences and enter
path_to_eMule\emule.exe %r
in the eD2k edit box of the mozex plugin.

e.g.: C:\ProgramFiles\eMule\emule.exe %r

Webserver: Internet Explorer opens a download dialog instead of displaying the page
To prevent this the options Use HTTP 1.1 and Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connections must be checked in IE's settings. Go to Extras -> Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced : HTTP 1.1 settings

Lost Downloads
After a bad crash download(s) may suddenly vanish from the list although their files are still in the temporary folder. This happens if a *.part.met gets corrupted.

Quit eMule before taking any recovery actions.
To make sure that everything is properly set up check Preferences -> Directories. The correct path to the temporary folder has to be entered.

eMule automatically creates backups (*.part.met.BAK) of all *.part.met files. If there are any differences in size or last modification (right mouse button click on the file -> Properties) delete the *.part.met file and rename the corresponding backup.

Recovery Tools
The Tools chapter holds some links to recovery tools. Backup the *.met and *.part files before attempting to recover them. Changes cannot be undone.

Manual Moving
In some rare cases a *.part.met file is so badly damages that it will prevent other files from loading. By adding the files one by one the damaged download can be identified and removed/recovered

1. Move all files from the temporary folder to a backup folder
2. Move one *.part and corresponding *.part.met back to the temporary folder
3. Start eMule and check if the download was correctly added to the list
4. Close eMule
5. Repeat steps 2. - 4. until the corrupt download(s) have been found
6. Either delete or try to recover the corrupt downloads with a recovery tool

"Strange Behaviour"
If problems with updating the serverlist or lost settings arise some configuration files may be corrupted. This especially happens after crashes or after upgrading from modified versions of eMule. Deleting all *.met, *.ini and *.dat files in eMule's installation folder (do not delete your temp downloads!) may help with this problems. Quit eMule before deleting these files. After restart set the proper options in eMule's Preferences and restart again.
Disconnecting from server shortly after connecting
Many server limit the amount of shared files. If the set amount is reach the client automatically gets disconnected. eMule shows the number of shared files in its statistics page. Usually less than 500 shares will cause no troubles and makes sure that all files are accepted.
From eMule v.28 on the number of accepted files are shown in the server list. The Soft Limit value is the number of shares a server publishes, all excess files are ignored. When the Hard Limit is reach the server disconnects the client.
To prevent the disconnects eMule v.29 + only publishes the number of files allowed by the server's soft limit.
o Blacklisted on Lugdunum p75+ servers
The new Lugdunum patched servers p75+ have a credit system to judge the clients behaviour. Each action like connecting, searching, asking for sources etc. costs credit points. If they are all used up, the server disconnects and sends a warning that this client is blacklisted.
This especially is a problem when downloading more than ~30 files as the source asking for all this downloads will cost that many credits, banning the client. eMule v.30a+ takes care of this problem.
Additional information on this topic on Silent Bob's web site.

Last update on: 2004-02-27 , Monk