
Transferring or receiving hash set from this client

On Queue or asking this client

Connecting to this client

No needed parts, asked for another file or unable to connect because of a low ID

Status unknown

New Message

Normal eDonkey or early eMule client

Client which is able to understand the extended eMule protocol

Normal client with a high credit value (which means he has a higher priority)

Client which is able to understand the extended eMule protocol and has a high credit value

mlDonkey client

mlDonkey client with a high credit value

eDonkey2000-Overnet-Hybrid client

eDonkey2000-Overnet-Hybrid client with high credit value

Shareaza Client

Shareaza Client with credit points

Clients authenticated by secure user identification

high ID in eD2k (server) network and Kademlia

connected, high ID in eD2k, low ID (firewalled) in Kademlia

low ID in eD2k, high ID in Kademlia

both networks low ID

Kademlia not connected, high ID in eD2k

eD2k not connected, high ID in Kademlia

Kademlia not connected, low ID in eD2k

eD2k not connected, low ID in Kademlia

not connected

Kademlia contact - good

Kademlia contact - failed to answer once

Kademlia contact - probably dead, will be removed

eMule's tray icon when connected to a server with a high ID

eMule's tray icon when connected to a server with a low ID

eMule's tray icon when not connected to a server

A file comment or positive rating has been entered for this download

File rating Fake, Corrupt or Invalid

Applies to version: .42a +
Last update on: 2004-02-27 by Monk