Often you are so busy meeting deadlines that you forget to look after yourself. Sometimes, this can even have an adverse affect on your health. 'Managing self' also means looking after yourself. A balanced life will make you a much happier person. It will also have a positive effect on your work. For this reason you need to think about:
Make time for yourself and you will be a healthier, happier and better man. Below are some things that should not be ignored.
Try to get at least 6-8 hours each day. Your mind will function better if it is well rested.
Work out your body rhythms and cycles. Everybody is different. Some people work best in the morning, some in the afternoon and some at night. Determine which parts of the day you are most alert and try to schedule your work around these times.
Exercise your heart and lungs regularly - a minimum of three days per week for 15-30 minutes. This includes activities such as walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, and aerobics. A fit mind and body is more alert.
Make sure you eat a balanced diet that includes protein, carbohydrates and plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Eating well gives you energy and will help you concentrate throughout the day. Drink lots of water. Work is especially difficult if you are tired and irritable because of poor eating and heavy drinking.
Friends are very important. You will not work well if you are feeling isolated and alone. Make time for friends in your schedule. Try to make new friends who are sharing the same interests. They will understand how you feel and you can talk about your experiences and problems with work/hobbies. Sometimes a good listener is all you need to keep going.
When something is worrying you - talk to somebody about it immediately (parent, friend, or someone esle)! You won't be able to concentrate until you sort it out. Don't waste time worrying. It may be something that can easily be solved. Check the section on problem solving. There may be some useful strategies you can use.
Use Problem task type to outline the problems you have. Good choice to use it in conjunction with TalkTo task type.
The good news is - there are ways of dealing with stress so that it does not have such a negative effect on your health and the way you work. In this area, everybody is different. But - here are a few suggestions.
Planning the way you spend your time and energy may make you feel more in control. Viewing your schedule as being flexible will lessen your stress.
Regular exercise is good for the body and the mind. It also helps to reduce stress.
Use Train task type to outline the exercises.
There are many relaxation techniques available, but it may take you a little time to find one that you enjoy and works for you. Here is one technique to get you started
1. Sit down in a comfortable position, with tight clothing loosened and legs uncrossed.
2. Close your eyes.
3. Think of a place that you find comfortable and peaceful.
4. Tense all of your muscles for 5 to 7 seconds.
5. Begin to release the tension, relaxing one muscle group at a time - until your whole body is relaxed. Focus on the feelings of relaxation as they replace the feelings of tension.
6. After about 30 seconds of total body relaxation - finish the session by counting backwards from 5 to 1.
7. Open your eyes.
Use Destress task type to outline the relaxation activities.
It is important to take breaks during work. Try not to do more than one or two hours of concentrated work at a time. The best breaks are ones in which you move about, have a change of scenery and do some physical activity for about 15 to 20 minutes. You will return to your work refreshed. You also need to take some holiday breaks, so schedule in some weekends off during few months and plan for some sort of holiday in sometimes.
Sleep 6-8 hours a night. Take regular work breaks. There is only so much that you mind can absorb in one go. Regular breaks help you to process the information.
Avoid foods that are high in sugar and fat. Don't depend on drugs and alcohol. Caffeine and other stimulants may keep you awake, but it also makes it harder to concentrate and maybe be detrimental to your overall performance and health. A twenty-minute walk is a better stimulant than some prescription drugs.
It is well known that happier people tend to live longer, have less physical problems and are more productive. Look for the funny side of life when things do not seem to make sense. A good laugh can often drive those anxious feelings away.