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Main Window - File View
Main Window - History View
Settings Window
Misc Features
Author : Nathan Moinvaziri (Phoenix, AZ)
Written on Windows 98 & XP
Go to the ExtractNow Website
Supported Archive Information
ExtractNow supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats for more information about these file types please visit these websites : WinZIP, WinACE, WinRAR

Main Window - File View









1. Shows the List of Files to Extract. All files listed here will be extracted. Dragging files or folders from explorer and onto this window will add them to the list of files to extract.

Note : In a multi-volume archive only the first file needs to be dropped.

2. Switches between the File View and the History View
3. Opens an e-mail to the author of the program
4. Open a Web Browser that goes to the ExtractNow website
5. Shows the Settings Window where you can change all program settings
6. Removes the selected files from the List of Files to Extract control. Does not physically remove them from your hard-drive
7. Extracts all the files in the List of Files to Extract control
8. Shows the extraction progress of all the files in the archive that is currently being worked on
9. Shows the extraction progress of all the files that were in he List of Files to Extract control
10. Basically this is a status bar, that is used in History View
11. Stops extraction the process in the middle of its tracks!

Main Window - History View

1. Shows the history of the extraction processes that have been completed
2. Writes the history to a text document in and opens the log folder to which the text document was created in
3. Clears all the history from the History List
Used for general status information
Used when file has been extract successfully and when the CRC of the archive is OK
Used when directory has been created
Used when an error of any kind occurs

Settings Window

1. When the extraction has completed. If this checkbox is checked gray, files will be moved to the recycling bin, if this checkbox is just checked it will delete the files for good, and if this checkbox is not checked, nothing will happen.
2. Opens the folder archives were extracted to once extraction is complete
File Association
3. Associates ExtractNow with these specific file types.
Extraction & Favorite Folder
4. If this option is selected, all files that are extracted will be extracted to the path selected.
5. Enabled if the Automatically Archives into Folder option is selected. Shows the path to extract the archives to
6. Will extract files from each archive to the location where the archive is. c:\windows\ extracts into -> c:\windows\
!= 5 || 6. If neither option 4 or 5 is chosen, then the user is asked which folder to extract the selected files into. More..
7. Extracts each archive into their own folder. c:\windows\ extracts into -> c:\windows\x\
8. Gives the option to or not to automatically overwrite existing files when extracting archives. Checked = overwrite files, Unchecked = do not overwrite files
File Masking - Masks Not to Extract
Allows you to weed out any unwanted types of files. If for example you did not want to extract ANY files with the word 'sex' in their file names, you just add the mask, "sex" or "*sex*" (which are treated the same), to the List of Masks not to Extract

Misc. Features

Right-Click Integration (File Association) (Send To -> ExtractNow)


Open with ExtractNow
Opens ExtractNow with the file already added to its list of files to extract

Extract with ExtractNow
Opens the archive in ExtractNow and automatically starts to extract the file

This feature is installed when ExtractNow is installed and uninstalled when ExtractNow is uninstalled. It allows the user to open files in ExtractNow without associating  the file type with ExtractNow.

System Menu Limiting History Reporting

Always On Top
Allows the user to check the internet to find out what the latest version of ExtractNow is

Check For Latest Version
Allows the user to check the internet to find out what the latest version of ExtractNow is

Minimize To Tray

Minimizes the program to the system tray instead of the taskbar

Option to show all archives that have been done or all archives and their files that have been extracted.
Search for Archives

Allows the user to search through folders for archives. Drag a folder onto the List of Archives to Extract window


Last Modified 6/03/03