CIP manages your hosts file. A hosts file is used by your browser to resolve IPs for the URLs you attempt to access.

CIP puts the competition to shame - it's by far the fastest, most interactive, and most feature-rich product of its kind on the market today.

And CIP is alone in being able to collect secondary URLs right off your web pages. Secondary or embedded URLs amount to many times the DNS time spent on simply accessing the web pages themselves.

Normally a browser will have to go through DNS to find the IP number for a web resource, and this takes time. By putting your URLs and IPs in your hosts file, you speed up your browser, make better use of your online time, and get where you're going a lot faster.

CIP resides on your taskbar for easy access. And it will find the hosts file in use by your system and open it automatically if it's there. CIP displays four fields in its list view: URL, Description (hidden by default), IP (filled in by CIP), and Verified (when CIP was last able to identify the IP as current and correct).

You import your (or anyone else's) bookmarks to your hosts cache.

And you do the same with your (or anyone else's) favorites.

As bookmarks and favorites are most often stored on a per-user basis, this becomes vital. Most IP checkers do not understand this at all. CIP does.

You can even import URLs from alternate hosts files. On multi-boot machines this can be essential.

You add and edit your URLs with the Add/Edit dialog.

If you're not working with your system hosts file, you export it there when you're ready.

When you're ready to test your URLs, hit the Go button.

You can also edit your hosts file as pure text. CIP lets you set the text editor you wish to use, fire it up within CIP, and coordinate editing operations with it.

You can even browse directly to your URLs from within CIP.

CIP now works in conjunction with GD to retrieve your secondary URLs: enable the GD Transfer button on the toolbar or select GD Transfer from the Edit menu and all non-trivial remote URLs polled by GD will be automatically added to the top of your list.

Finally, CIP can be run in Auto Mode: by appending "/Auto" or "-Auto" (case-insensitive) to the command line CIP will automatically verify all URLs in the system hosts cache, save the results, and exit.

And, as stated, CIP is incredibly fast - no other product on the market coming even close: CIP resolves between 1,000 and 2,000 URLs per minute - that's 30 URLs per second or better, depending on your modem speed.


CIP is one of 60+ Win32 apps found in Rix2k Extreme Power Tools. Visit the Radsoft site for more information.

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