ClearTweak Version 2.7 Copyright 2003-2004 - This program is freeware, but if you like it please consider donating to encourage us to create more great software. Thanks to all those who have already donated. Visit: WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 2.7 ========================= + Bug Fixes WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 2.6 ========================= + Red-Green-Blue (RGB) and Blue-Green-Red (BGR) setting for monitors that use a reverse pixel arrangement. This is rare, but there are some monitors out there that are BGR. You must have Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later for this option to be enabled. + Fixed window size problem for machines that had a font setting larger than standard. REQUIREMENTS: ============= ClearTweak Requires Windows XP or later versions of Windows that support the Microsoft ClearType Technology. ClearType is designed to enhance LCD displays. It may appear slightly blurry on standard desktop monitors. To use ClearType, you must have a video adapter and monitor that support a color setting of at least 256 colors. Best results are achieved with High color (24-bit) or Highest color (32-bit) support. WHAT IS CLEARTYPE? ================== A Microsoft font technology that increases the resolution of text on LCD screens, such as those used with laptop computers. ClearType technology uses proprietary signal processing and the properties of LCD screens to significantly increase readability by producing clear, detailed characters and spacing. ========================================================= * WindowsXP™ and ClearType™ are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation =========================================================