Introduction Sound LaundryÖ 2.5

Quick Start 

After successful installation of Sound LaundryÖ the application can be started by double-clicking the appropriate desktop icon or from the Sound LaundryÖ entry AlgoPlug.exe in the Windows start menu.

At startup time some system checks are performed and the Sound LaundryÖ is automatically configured for the highest performance on your system. The setup window should also show the registration information with your name.

If instead of your name the message UNREGISTERED VERSION appears, the user/key combination you entered during installation was wrong. In this case, you will have to reinstall Sound LaundryÖ and supply the correct key. Just at the beginning of the new installation you will be asked to agree to delete the previous (in this case demo) version of the Sound LaundryÖ. Say "yes" and do not forget to mark "full version" (not "demo") in the check-box.
After closing the setup dialog by clicking the rotating Algorithmix« logo (or just waiting a while), the PlugIn Station main window will pop up. Press the lower button with diskette and loudspeaker. The Playback Station opens automatically and starts the playback of a demo file. By pressing [LOAD] you can select a .WAV file of your choice.

The Playback Station offers a variety of advanced features for playback of .WAV files; please refer to the appropriate chapter in the handbook for a detailed description of all available options. The playback can be started with the [ > ] button stopped by clicking the [ ] button. To restart from the current cursor position the playback button [ > ] has to be pressed again. The [ |◄ ] button sets the cursor at the beginning of the wave file.

To apply a processing function during playback of your wave file, select a PlugIn from the first drop-down list in the PlugIn Center section and restart the playback of selected wave file. The corresponding PlugIn window pops up, and the influence of the processing module on your music as well as the changes of its parameter settings are immediately audible. To listen to the changes that a processing module applies to your music, enable the difference checkbox in the PlugIn Stations output section and you can hear the clicks taken out by the DeScratcher PlugIn or the noise removed by the DeNoiser PlugIn.

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