High-Low Cut PlugIn | Sound LaundryÖ 2.5 |
The High-Low Cut PlugIn is a unique tool that does not change the phase relationship in the signal, unlike other steep high-low cut filters. Therefore it is ideal for final mastering if no additional sound coloration of the final mix can be tolerated.
Some typical applications for the low-cut and high-cut filters have already been mentioned in the Overview. There are some other sound processing situations that make both filters very useful.
Recordings from old gramophone records can be made pleasant again by cutting turntable rumble, low frequency resonances in the pick-up (low-cut function), and hiss (high-cut function). If you need a low-cut filter with a very low cut-off frequency and the slope continuously going below û 100 dB, set up to a high frequency resolution in the DSP Quality Window or try our DeRumble PlugIn.
Sometimes audio material recorded with low-quality equipment sounds either too shrill or too dull. This is often due to the wrong tone balance between high and low frequencies from the psychoacoustical point of view. In this case it helps to cut the proper end of the frequency bandwidth.
Background music normally heard in stores or public places is not hi-fi quality. It is cut off at the low and high end of the frequency spectrum to make it less pushy and more stimulating. The low-cut and high-cut filters can also be used for special effects like the simulation of telephone call quality.
When using these filters as a technical mastering tool, remember that sometimes noise you want to remove has spectral components in the range of the useful program content. In this case you have to be very careful adjusting the cut-off frequency and slope. A typical example is the compromise between hiss and higher frequencies of the audio signal. If it is not necessary, do not use very steep attenuation; gradual sloping is usually more "musical".
We do not recommend chaining the High-Low Cut PlugIn before the DeScratcher PlugIn or the DeNoiser PlugIn. To achieve the best performance, it is better if those PlugIns get the unprocessed sound material. However, after descratching and/or denoising, an additional signal make-up (frequency range correction) with the High-Low Cut PlugIn can be very useful.
To hear the part of the input signal that is actually filtered out, use the difference function in the PlugIn Station.
If complex sound shaping is required use Algorithmix«
equalizer PlugIns: PEQ classic and PEQ
linearPhase. If you need to remove discrete frequencies precisely, try the NotchFilters
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