DeNoiser PlugIn |
Sound LaundryÖ 2.5 |
Quick Reference
The DeNoiser PlugIn provides following controls:
- threshold û defines the reference level for the
denoising algorithm (moves the noise profile)
- reduction û determines the amount of noise to be removed (0 already cause noise reduction)
- modify û reduces artifacts if working with critical audio material
- attack û set up the response time of the denoising algorithm (0 û 1 sec)
- release û set up the release time of the denoising algorithm (0 û 10
- cut freq û cut-off frequency of the noise profile shelving modifier
- cut gain û boost/cut gain of the noise profile shelving modifier
- white/pink/user û selects noise profile used as a reference for
denoising process
- finger print û opens Noise Profile Manager for recording, loading, and saving noise profiles
- help û opens this help file
and following displays:
- noise scope û displays frequency spectrum of the input signal and the noise taken out
- noise level û shows the amount of noise being removed
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