Analyzer PlugIn Sound LaundryÖ 2.5


The Analyzer PlugIn is intended as an additional graphical tool for supporting the Algorithmix« frequency-domain PlugIns (DeNoiser PlugIn, High-Low Cut PlugIn, PEQ linearPhase PlugIn). It can display the frequency spectrum for two independent channels (red and green) and a frequency characteristic (filters or noise profiles in white) simultaneously. The channels to be displayed can be chosen from a drop-down box containing all available signal sources within the PlugIn chain. 

Each input channel of the Analyzer PlugIn can be connected to any input or output belonging to any frequency-domain PlugIn (DeNoiser, High-Low Cut, PEQ linearPhase). Because the PlugIns are chained, note that some outputs are identical to some inputs and can be chosen alternatively (e.g. DeNoiser output can carry the same signal like High-Low Cut input).

In addition to the two independently selectable signals in the display of the Analyzer PlugIn, the filter characteristic of the High-Low Cut PlugIn, or the noise profile used currently in the DeNoiser PlugIn, can be displayed (in white). This is very helpful for successful parameter setup for the frequency-domain PlugIns. Other useful features are:

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