
To assign a Web address (URI) to a selected object, use the Link command as described below.

  1. Select the object and then choose Object > Link, or right-click and choose Link in the Select context menu. The Add Link dialog, shown below, will appear.

  1. In the "Link to:" text entry field, enter the Web address the object will link to. Note the following:

  2. You should include the "http://" prefix.

  3. The link is denoted by the icon in the DOM Palette, and until you change it, the ID will be "a" (for anchor).

  1. In the "Target:" field, you can enter a target for the URI, such as when the parent document is a multi-frame HTML or XHTML document. For example, you could enter:

  2. _blank to load the linked page in a new browser window.

  3. _parent to load the linked page in the parent window or frameset of the link. If the link is not in a nested frame, the page loads in to the full browser window.

  4. _self to load the linked page in the same window or frame as the link.

  5. _top to load the linked page in the full browser window and removes all frames.

For more information on targets, refer to the appropriate HTML or XHTML specifications.

Modifying the "Link to" and "Target" Settings

To change the "Link to" and/or "Target" settings:

A Note About Linked Objects

After assigning a link to an object, when you click it to select it, the Attributes tab in the Properties Bar will only display link-related attributes. If the linked object is a rectangle, ellipse, line, text, or image, you can display its non-link related attributes in the Attributes tab by:

see also:
