Please read this user guide carefully before you start using the software. Figure 2.3.1 shows the basic components of FlipAlbumĀ®.
Fig 2.3.1 The Basic Components of FlipAlbum
Fig 2.3.2 Main Toolbar
Fig 2.3.3 Small Toolbar
Toolbar Descriptions:
With the toolbar, you can quickly perform common actions that are found within the menu.
Start: launches the Start Wizard
create a new book
Open: open an existing book
Open Folder: open a folder of pictures to compile them into a book
Copy From: copy files from another folder
Copy (left/right page): copy
page to clipboard
Paste: paste an image from clipboard
Insert: look at objects by navigating through your folders, and
Insert your desired object by
drag and drop.
Annotate (left/right page): insert annotation on left or right page
Bookmark (left/right page): add/remove bookmark to/from left
or right page
Marker (left/right page): add/remove marker to/from left or
right page
Overview: flip to thumbnail overview page
Audio: play/stop background audio
AutoFlip: start/stop auto-flipping
Slideshow: start/stop slide show
E-mail: email current opened book or pictures
Upload: upload book to web
Select: select image for editing or batch processing
CD Maker: export current album to CD