1.4 Features


Book Paradigm
The thickness of the book is representative of the number of pages in the book, just like in a real book. Users can flip through the book or use the page number cues as a guide.


Multi-Page Rapid Flipping
Realistic 3D page flipping effect with adjustable flipping speed.


Hold Pages
Users can hold pages and compare contents of different pages.


Jump Cursor
User can jump to any page of the book by clicking at the thickness of the book.


File Formats Supported
The following file formats are supported: Images (GIF, JPG, PNG, BMP, WMF, ICO, PCX, TIF, PCD, PSD); OEB Package Format (OPF); Sound Files (MID, WAV, MP3); Video Files (AVI, MPG)


Create Album CDs (Suite/Pro only)
Users can distribute and share their beautifully created album(s) on CDs with family and friends. They simply pop the album CDs into their CD-ROM drive and the album will automatically be launched - no installation of software required.


Password Protection (Pro only)
You can set a password to protect your Album CD. Once the Album CD is password-protected, all the albums are encrypted.


CD Expiration (Pro only)
You can set the absolute date or the exact number of days before the Album CD expires.


Album Encryption (Pro Only)
You can encrypt the albums in the Album CD to prevent unauthorized use of your images.


Print and Save Control (Pro only)
You can prevent the recipient of your Album CD from printing and saving your pictures.


Watermarking (Pro only)
You can add watermarks of your name or copyright message onto your images.


Multi-Album CD Maker (Suite/Pro only)
You can burn more than one album onto the Album CD.


Create Video CDs for Playback on DVD Players (Suite/Pro only)
Users can create CDs that can be played on most DVD players and viewed on the TV. You are provided the tool to export the album to a MPEG movie, AVI or Slide Show and you simply use your CD writing program to create the CD in the Video CD, Super Video CD or DVD format.


Users can bookmark their favorite pages for quick access. Bookmarks are rotated 90░ and can accept full text. Length of bookmark can be set to automatic or fixed


Users can add effects to their images, like 3D/Shadow, crop shapes and frames.


UNDO/REDO Function

Users can now UNDO/REDO up to 30 of their last actions.


QuickStart Wizard

A 3-step wizard to guide new users in creating an album fast by opening a folder, selecting the page layout and a theme.


Album CDs playable on Mac (Suite/Pro only)
Album CDs created can also run on a Mac. Recipients of the album CD simply need to pop it into the CD ROM drive, double click the CD icon, and launch the MacCDViewer to view the album(s).


Paste Special

Users now have the option to paste the copied objects into different supported formats using the paste special function.


Grid and Ruler

Users can now turn on grid and ruler for easier layout of objects on the page


Theme Creator

Users can now create their own themes by using this create theme function. It will capture the front and back covers, book and page backgrounds and/or additional page backgrounds as separators


More Slideshow Settings

Insert multiple blank pages

Users now have the option to insert 1 or more blank page(s) into an album.


Optimization of file size for Upload

Users now have the option to resize their images for faster transfer and viewing when uploading to the web.


Set book direction (bi-directional)

Users now have the option to set the book direction to start from left to right or right to left.


Hide/Unhide Overview/Contents/Index entries

Users now have the option to hide/unhide entries on the Overview/Contents/Index pages.


Multi-Selection of Objects on Page

Users can now use the Shift key + mouse click to select multiple objects on page and perform the following functions:

Batch Operation on Overview/Contents/Index Pages

Users can now perform more batch operations on the Overview/Contents/Index Pages:

Users can add annotations (note or explanation) to the album page. Annotations can be made transparent, translucent or with background color. They can also be easily edited by double-clicking them, while in select mode.


Search Function
Users can search for text in annotations and flip to the page containing that text.


Easy Page Layout Options
Users can layout your text and image objects using drag and drop.


Insert Multiple Images, Annotations, Multimedia Files Per Page
Instead of only one image per page, you can now add as many images you like, together with annotations and other multimedia files like MP3 and video files in each page.


Multi-Select Drag & Drop Objects from Windows Explorer
Users can select a list of objects from Windows Explorer and drag and drop the objects into the Overview/Contents/Index pages.


Upload and share your pictures on the Internet with ease.


View Online Photo Albums/FlipBooks
Users can view online photo albums or FlipBooks in streaming format ù view initial pages while rest of album downloads.


The web address of the book can be captured and sent with the aid of the default email program.


Slide Show Effects
Users can set more options for slide shows, including new transition effects and options to start slide show with current page.


Manual Arrangement of Book Pages
Users can rearrange the pages at the thumbnail overview page or filenames at the contents page to change the positions of the pictures inside the album.


Manual Addition of Pictures
Users can manually add a picture into an album by using a drag and drop feature.


Play Video On Page
Users can play video on page without having to go into preview mode.


There are now built-in themes (covers, page and book backgrounds, and separators) to spice up your album.


Centerfold View
FlipAlbums can now be viewed in both centerfold and 2-page mode, making it convenient to view both portrait and landscape pictures.


Transparency Support
Users can use the pick color function to enable specified portions of your image to be transparent.


Picture Frame
Users can make your images look even better by customizing and adding a picture frame to your images.


Multi-Select Drag & Drop Objects
Users can also multi-select drag & drop objects from the Insert Multimedia Objects dialog box into your album.


Rename Page at Overview/Contents/Index Pages
Users can rename the filename of each page at the Overview/Contents/Index pages.


Filename/Page Number Display
Users have the option to display the filename and page numbers on each page.


Keep Aspect Ratio when Resizing Objects
Users have the option to resize objects with or without maintaining the aspect ratio.


Page Indicator
A page indicator will be displayed at the lower left or right of the status bar when page audio has been set or when the page is selected.


Configure Left/Right/Centerfold Page Background
Users have the option to configure page backgrounds for left/right/centerfold pages respectively.


Hypertext and Image Links
Support hypertext and image links to external file or web address (URL).


Resizing the Pictures in your Album
Users can resize the images and annotations on each page.


Print WYSIWYG Style
Preview the image before printing. Print with annotation and page background.


Preview Images
Preview images at full screen mode.


File Information
Display information about the file, such as, filename, format, width, height, bits per pixel and URL.


Audio Format
MP3 music format supported in addition to .WAV and .MID and you can set an audio playlist for your background music.


JPG as Themes
Supports JPG images for theme images, like book covers, page and book background.


Favorite web pages can be saved in a folder for easy access.


Printing to Avery Templates
Users can print your images to Avery labels by selecting the templates provided.


Asynchronous Download of MP3 music
MP3 music included as book or page background music would be asynchronously downloaded (ie streamed from source), while the rest of the FlipBook loads.


Image Resampling
Images are resampled for better viewing quality.


Background Music Playlist
Users can include a playlist of audio files as background music.


Add/Delete/Cut Overview/Contents/Index
Users can add or delete the Overview, Contents and Index pages. Users can also cut and paste these pages to any page of the FlipBook.


Resize Your Book
Change the size of your book to suit your comfort and convenience. FlipAlbum« dynamically adjusts the size of the images in the book to suit your selection. This is not possible with most other book products.