Microsoft« Office Communicator 2005 Release
Welcome to the new release of Office Microsoft« Office Communicator 2005. Refer to this file to obtain known issues about Microsoft Office Communicator 2005.
Released: May, 2005
⌐ 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
This document contains important information you should know prior to deploying and using Microsoft Office Communicator 2005.
Issue: Policy setting SetSecurityOptions (REG_DWORD) specifies whether encryption is disabled, required, or optional when Communicator 2005 sends and receives data using its collaboration features: whiteboard and application sharing. This setting is disabled by default for Communicator 2005.
Resolution: There is not a policy for controlling application sharing encryption for Communicator 2005. Security policy for Communicator 2005 application sharing must be set using the NetMeeting policy settings for encrypting shared applications.
Set the Conferencing registry key:
1. Using regedt32.exe, navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Conferencing
2. Create
the DWORD CallSecurity
3. Set one of the
Issue: When Communicator 2005 Setup is interrupted (for example, system reboot or shut-down) and restarted, then subsequent attempts to install Communicator 2005 may result in Error 1722 "Problem with installer package."
Resolution: Use an Msiexec command-line parameter below for
subsequent installation. The command below forces all Communicator 2005 files
to be reinstalled:
ááááááááá Syntax:
ááááááááá msiexec
/fa communicator.msi
Issue: For partner related issues regarding public IM connectivity and client usability, visit
Resolution: None.
Issue:á Outlook may occasionally stall after Communicator 2005 has been installed.
Resolution: Visit the Help and Support Knowledge Base and search for knowledge base article 896155 located at:;EN-US;KBHOWTO
Issue: For optimum Office Integration for such features as presence, install the latest version of Windows Messenger.á
Resolution: Visit the following site to download the latest version of Windows Messenger 5.1:
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