Shell Options


Resplendent Registrar offers a set of shell extensions and options which you can set according to your preference.  To open the Editor Options dialog, choose Tools -> Options...  from the main menu and choose Shell.


options.jpg (16772 bytes)


Allow multiple instances of Registrar to be running simultaneously
Check this box if you wish to be running multiple copies of Registrar simultaneously. This can be useful if you often access registry keys by immediately specifying their path using an Explorer address bar.

Display each registry window on a separate icon in the taskbar
Check this box if you wish each registry window to be visible on a button in the taskbar.

Display each tool window on a separate icon in the taskbar
Check this box if you wish each tool window (search, bookmarks, etc) to be visible on a button in the taskbar.

Show context menu option on .reg files 
If this box is checked, when right-clicking on registration files with a .reg extensions using Windows Explorer, a menu item titled Edit with Registrar will appear which allows you to open the file for editing with Registrar.

Import .rrb files with Registrar as registry bookmarks file
If this box is checked, a file association is registered which specifies that .rrb files will be opened and imported as registry bookmark files with Registrar.

Import .rrs files with Registrar as registry shortcuts
If this box is checked, a file association is registered which specifies that .rrs files will be opened with Registrar as registry shortcuts.

Open URLs starting with reg: from Shell with Registrar
If this box is checked, Windows Explorer will recognize URLs starting with reg: as registry shortcuts.

List Resplendent Registrar in the Search menu
If this box is checked, Registrar will be listed in the Search menu which is accessible from the Start button.

List Resplendent Registrar in the Add/Remove Programs control panel
If this box is checked, Registrar will be listed in the Add/Remove Programs dialog which allows uninstalling the program from the control panel.

Use NT4 style security dialogs when editing permissions and auditing (Windows XP/2000 only)
When  editing registry permissions or auditing settings on a key, the old NT4 style security dialogs will be used.

Maximum Registry Size (Windows 2000/NT only)
This allows you to specify your Registry Size Limit which should be large enough.