What's new in v 2.00
This section describes what has changed in
Registrar Lite since version 1.01
Support for Windows XP
- Resplendent Registrar is now fully compatible
with all versions of the Windows XP operating system.
Advanced Bookmark Editor
- The bookmark editor has been extended with
categories and other features.
Registry Security Editors
- Editors allowing you to set registry key
permissions, auditing and ownership have been added
Search feature in Bookmark Editor
- Search feature makes it more easy to quickly
find back often accessed keys.
Registry key selection boxes
- Wherever you have to specify a registry path,
a simple Browse button will allow you to specify it in an easy way. Previously
it was necessary to drag and drop a registry key from an editor window or use
copy and paste to specify the registry address.
Support for binary hive files
- Registrar Lite allows you to import and export
to all existing registry file formats including Unicode registration files as
well as binary registry hive files.
Visual Improvements
- Visual changes have been made to the software
in order to better reflect the spirit of the time.
Much more...
- Software has been revised and improved in many