Bookmark Editor
Registrar offers a bookmark system that allows you to quickly find back registry keys and values that you visit often. The bookmark editor allows you to add a description to a key or value which becomes visible while editing and optionally color the key or value so it can easily be distinguished from the other keys and values when editing the registry.
To enter the bookmark editor, select the registry key or value you want to bookmark and choose Bookmarks... from the main menu or from the popup menu which appears if you right-click on the item.
Setting a description for a bookmarked key or value
Make sure the registry path of the key or
value you wish to bookmark appears in the keyname field. Now edit the
description in the description field. When you are finished, click the Update
button so the changes will be stored.
Assigning a bookmark to a category
Select the bookmark so that its path
appears in the keyname
and value
fields. Now select the category of your choice by selecting it in the category
tree or by typing its name in the category field. You can create or delete
categories by selecting a category in the category tree and pressing the New
Category or Delete button. As
soon as you're done click the Update button
so the changes will be stored.
Search bookmarks for text
To search for any text anywhere in the bookmark's keyname or description, click the Search button. You will be prompted to enter a text string. After you click Find Next, Registrar will highlite the next bookmark in the current category which contains the text you have entered.
Selecting a color for a bookmark
Select the bookmark so that its path
appears in the keyname
and value
fields. Now select the color of your choice from the color
field. If the bookmark represents a registry value rather than a key you can
choose only between a highlited and a regular presentation. When finished, click
the Update button so the changes will be
Importing and Exporting bookmarks
You can import an export bookmarks using an .ini type file format. The default extension for a Registrar bookmark file is .rrb but the format is not different from the .ini file format.
To import a set of bookmarks from a Registrar bookmark file with a .ini or .rrb extension, click the Import button.
To export all bookmarks, click the Export
button. If you wish to export only a single bookmark category rather than all
bookmarks then right-click on any category and select
Export Category from the popup menu that appears.
Bookmarks with a URL reference
If a bookmarks contains a URL reference in its description then a button will become visible in both the bookmark editor and in registry editing windows. Clicking this button will open an internet browser window which navigates to the specified URL.