Version history
5 JUN 2003 (Version 0.10 ▀)
- Fixed a bug in PowerPlugin (the max value of STATUS was set incorrectly).
- Inverted measures sometimes gave negative values. Fixed.
- MBM5plugin's MHZ didn't work. Fixed.
- Added CPU speed measure into the PowerPlugin too. This one measures the current MHz of the processor.
- Fixed a memory leak in Perfmon and in AdvancedCPU plugins.
- Improved the about dialog.
- Created ROTATOR meter, which rotates images.
- Added menu items for config & skin editing (opens the ini-file in editor).
- Added TimeZone and DaylightSavingTime to Time measure.
- Most of the values are now doubles instead of integers. This also means that there might be some inaccuracy with very large values (e.g. diskspace).
- MaxValue and MinValue can be defined for all measures.
- Time measure converts the Format to value (e.g. if Format=%S, a meter bound to it shows values from 0 to 59).
- MaxRegValue is gone. Use MaxValue instead.
- Sysinfo plugin detects now Windows 2003 too.
- Variables can be defined in [Variables] section for 'easy' customization of the configs.
- Added possibility to change the string values with substitute strings.
- Meter's transparency can be changed with AlphaValue.
- Added a click through feature (works only with native transparency).
- Added Total to FreeDiskSpace and the memory measures.
- Added LineWidth to the Line meter.
- Added Flip to Histogram and Line meters.
- Made the string meter multibindable. Several values can be displayed with Text-keyword.
- Added MouseOverAction and MouseLeaveAction to the meters and main window.
- Implemented Calc measure, which can calculate math formulas. The measures can be used as variables.
- Added Solid to the ROUNDLINE meter, which draws a pie.
- Moved the Update setting from Rainmeter.ini to the skin's ini-file so that skin can determine it's update speed.
- AverageSize can be used to measures an average value (the parameter is the value window size)
- UpdateDivider works for meters too.
- If the image meter is bound to a measure it tries to load the image named after the value (that is returned as string).
- Added !RainmeterResetStats-bang.
- Fixed !RainmeterZPos-bang when executed without Litestep.
- Added ClipString to the string meter.
- AlwaysOnTop=2 keeps the window on top of other topmost windows (like to taskbar).
- AlwaysOnTop=-2 keeps the window on desktop.
- DesktopWorkArea can be used to change the desktop's work area.
- String meter displays the battery time in HH:MM:SS-format (or "Unknown", if it not supported)
- Removed !RainmeterChangeConfig and added !RainmeterActivateConfig and !RainmeterDeactivateConfig
- Added a tray icon. It can be bound to a [TrayMeasure] in Rainmeter.ini.
- The tray icon can be disabled with TrayIcon=0.
- Meters can be moved with !RainmeterMoveMeter.
- Window position can be overridden with RainmeterWindowX and RainmeterWindowY in step.rc.
- Configs can use AppVersion to inform that they need a specific version of Rainmeter to run.
- The config editor can be changed with ConfigEditor=editor.exe in Rainmeter.ini (don't use spaces in the filename).
- New Help!
9 FEB 2003 (Version 0.9 ▀)
- Fixed a bug in the ini-file parsing routine.
- Created a PowerPlugin for laptop battery information.
- Selecting the network interface didn't work. Fixed.
- The general config and skin's config are separated into different ini-files.
- Added RainmeterSkinPath step.rc command, which sets the path to the skin folders.
- Skins are read from Skins-folder by default (instead of the main folder).
- The about dialog now shows all the active measures.
- Removed GatherStatistics. Stats are now always gathered if a measure supports that.
- Added Cumulative to net meters.
- Added AntiAlias to line meter and string meter.
- All colors can now have 4 parameters, where the last one is the alpha value.
- Added a round line meter that can be used draw analog VU-meters and such.
- Added Autoscale to the histogram meter.
- Added support for native W2k/XP transparency.
- Implemented a median filter in the automatic max value tracker to strip out the spikes.
- !Execute bang works now also with the standalone version of Rainmeter.
- Added BackgroundMode option.
- Added SolidColor & BevelType options to the meters and the main window for a solid color background.
- Added few new bangs: !RainmeterMove, !RainmeterZPos, !RainmeterAbout, !RainmeterRedraw and !RainmeterLsBoxHook.
- The string meter can be used to draw normal text if it's not bound to anything (just use the Prefix/Postfix).
- Added AllowNegativeCoordinates option to allow the use of negative coordinates.
- Snapping now works on all monitors (thanks to Owain Cleaver for the patch).
- Fixed the MBM5plugin to work with the newer version of Motherboard Monitor.
- Added CPU and MHZ to the MBM5plugin.
30 JUN 2002 (Version 0.8 ▀)
- Rainmeter is not anymore dependant on lsapi.dll. It only uses lsapi.dll's functions if ran as Litestep plugin.
- The position is not updated to the ini-file if the file has changed.
- Added possibility to choose the measured network interface.
- Negative coords were saved as very high positive values. Now they should be saved as zero.
- Added a autoscaling line meter that can display multiple histograms.
- Added RainmeterCurrentConfig and RainmeterCurrentConfigIni step.rc commands that can used to set a specific config.
- Added MBM5MaxValue for the MBM5 plug-in.
- Fixed a bug that didn't reset the AlwaysOnTop state of the window after refresh.
- AlwaysOnTop has now three possible values: -1 puts the window always on bottom, 0 is normal window positioning and 1 puts it always on top.
- Changed the compilation settings and the DLL is a quite a bit smaller now.
- Plugins can display string values now too.
- Created a SysInfo plugin that displays all kinds of data (IP number, OS version, etc.).
- The about dialog is now modeless.
- Fixed a memory leak in perfmon.dll
- Created a AdvancedCPU plugin that allows include/exclude processes in % Processor Time.
- Added SnapEdges option that snaps the window the the screen edges when moved.
- Added NumOfDecimals option for the string meter.
- Added !RainmeterToggle bang.
5 MAY 2002 (Version 0.7 ▀)
- Fixed a bug with histogram meter's bitmap blitting.
- IfAboveAction and IfBelowAction didn't work. Fixed.
- Added BitmapZeroFrame option to BITMAP meter.
- Added build-in commands for playing sounds in actions.
- Added NetTotal measure.
- Added TrafficAction and TrafficValue to execute actions after certain amount of net traffic.
- Added Hidden option to meters and Disabled option to measures
- New plugin: MBM5plugin, which measures MBM5 data (temperature, fans and volts).
- Added Image meter, which just shows one image.
- Fixed a bug in Perfmon.dll that prevented measuring counters that do not have instance names.
- Added !RainmeterHideMeter, !RainmeterShowMeter and !RainmeterToggleMeter to change visiblity of individual meters.
- Added !RainmeterDisableMeasure, !RainmeterEnableMeasure and !RainmeterToggleMeasure to change status of individual measures.
- The registry measure is now able to access also other keys than just the ones under HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
- The ini-files inside subfolders do not have to be named as Rainmeter.ini (anything that ends with .ini works).
- The same subfolder can contain several configuration ini-files.
- The !RainmeterRefresh can now get the config name and the inifile as arguments.
- Added !RainmeterChangeConfig bang.
- Negative coordinates are saved as zero to prevent the window to be placed off screen.
- Added UpdateDivider for measures.
- The Rainmeter.exe can be used to send !bangs to the Rainmeter (but only Rainmeter bangs!).
- Fixed vertical bar meter (should grow, not slide).
- Fixed a bug: histogram values were drawn one pixel too short.
- The left and right mouse actions can be defined also per meter.
15 JANUARY 2002 (Version 0.6 ▀)
- Fixed a bug that made the CPU-meter to go 100% after refreshing on Win9x.
- It is not necessary to name the config file as "Rainmeter.ini", anything that ends
with ".ini" will do. Note that this only applies if the name of the config file is defined explicitely.
- If the previously used config cannot be found anymore, the first one is used instead.
26 DECEMBER 2001 (Version 0.5 ▀)
- IMPORTANT! The configuration file format has been changed and the old ini-files do not work anymore! Also some of the config keywords have been changed.
- Structural changes to the code (now it is easier to maintain).
- Added GatherStatistics, which is currently only supported by the NetIn/Out-measures.
- Added Plugin measure for external counters. Check the source code for example plugin.
- Added Registry measure, which can get data from a given registry key.
- Added button up actions (RightMouseUpAction and LeftMouseUpAction) and renamed the down actions as RightMouseDownAction and LeftMouseDownAction
- Added support for actions that are executed when a measure goes above/below certain value.
- Removed the PerfMon measure because of incompatibilities with NT4. The PerfMon
measure is now implemented as Rainmeter plugin.
- Added Time-measure.
- Colors can now be defined also as hex values in RGB-format (e.g. FontColor=FFCCDD).
- The position of the window can be stored into the ini-file automatically.
- Added support for multiple configurations. The configs can be changed from context menu.
1 SEPTEMBER 2001 (Version 0.4 ▀)
- If the maximum value for the meters (e.g. NetInSpeed) is not given it is determined automatically from the input.
- All measures can be displayed as percentual strings.
- Added uptime-measure. Usable in a string-meter only!
- Added two new meters: Bar and Bitmap.
- Added !RainmeterRefresh bang.
- Added left and right mouse button actions.
- Now it is possible to define the location (and the name) of Rainmeter.ini-file in the step.rc
with RainmeterIniFile.
- Added context menu, which can be used to refresh the window and quit the program if ran as standalone.
- Added possibility to use images as the backgrounds for the histogram
- Small adjustments so that Rainmeter can run in a lsbox as *WharfModule. Dunno if it also works in a real wharf.
19 AUGUST 2001 (Version 0.3 ▀)
- Added support for NT performance data.
- Added support for measuring free disk space.
- Added possibility to display the measure values as plain strings.
- Added automatic scaling for the string values.
- Added possibility to invert the values (e.g. measure allocated disk space instead of free space).
- Improved mouse over hiding.
- Now it is possible to start Rainmeter hidden.
- Added support for Litestep's Revision ID.
19 JULY 2001 (Version 0.2 ▀)
- Rewrote (almost) everything.
- The CPU & memory are now measured a bit different way.
22 FEBRUARY 2001 (Version 0.1 ▀)