1 PackageForTheWeb Error 2 This self-extracting executable file has been corrupted. The installation will be terminated. 3 Unable to open the self-extracting executable file. The file is locked or in use by another process. The installation will terminate. 4 PackageForTheWeb 5 Unable to access source file. 6 Unable to create cabinet file. 7 Unable to access the specified path. 8 Unable to create the specified output folder. Bad path name. 9 Unable to start the decompression process. 10 The EXE file has been corrupted. Unable to continue. 11 Unable to decompress EXE file. 12 Unable to execute specified command line. 13 This program is used internally by PackageFromTheWeb. It should not be executed directly. 14 Bad or missing header information! 15 The Software Licensing Agreement file is missing. The installation will stop. 16 %s - Welcome 17 %s - License Agreement 18 %s - Installation Folder 19 http://www.installshield.com/pftw/ 20 %s - Password 21 PROGRAMFILES 22 COMMONFILES 23 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion 24 ProgramFilesDir 25 CommonFilesDir 26 WINDOWS 27 SYSTEM 28 TEMP 29 The specified output folder does not exist. Create it? 30 Error writing cabinet file. 31 DOH 32 Do you wish to cancel the installation? 33 The package has been delivered successfully. 34 Insufficient disk space to open the package! 35 Security error! Invalid password. 36 Invalid command line option. 37 Unpacking '%s'... 38 Memory allocation failure! 39 Unable to open the unpacking application 40 Fatal error reading the package data. 41 Fatal error writing the package data. 42 Program format is invalid and cannot be updated. 43 This package is missing its file container. 44 General failure reading this package. 45 This package already contains a file container. 46 This package has been signed and cannot be updated. 47 Fatal Microsoft Error 48 Unable to initialize the extension DLL. 49 Error Executing the Specified Program 50 Unpacking %s... 51 Reading package... 300 No error 301 Missing cabinet file. 302 Input file is not a cabinet. 303 Bad cabinet version. 304 Corrupt cabinet file. 305 Memory allocation failure. 306 Invalid file compression type. 307 CRC failure. 308 System error during decompression 309 Internal data size error. 310 Incorrect cabinet file selected 311 The package decompression has been cancelled. 312 Unable to create specified output folder.