It's implemented with tasks which may be created in Scheduler. Each task has two attributes : "What to do" and "When to start". Optionally one or more downloads may be associated with task.
"What to do" attribute can take following values:
"When to start" attribute has field "Schedule task", which can take following values:
Macros | Meaning |
[File] | full file name (with path) |
[FileName] | only file name with extension |
[FileTitle] | file name without extension |
[FileExt] | extension |
[FilePath] | path to file |
Macros | Value |
[File] | C:\My Downloads\ |
[FileName] | |
[FileTitle] | test |
[FileExt] | zip |
[FilePath] | C:\My Downloads\ |
Macros | Meaning |
[Host] | host name from URL (for example |
[Host`] | host name where all "." are replaced with "`" (for example www`microsoft`com) |
[Host_] | host name where all "." are replaced with "_" (for example www_microsoft_com) |
[Path] | Path from URL |
[Path`] | Path where all "/" are replaced with "`" |
[Path_] | Path where all "/" are replaced with "_" |
[Protocol] | protocol name (ftp,http) |
[Ext] | filename extension in URL |
[WeekDayS] | Abbreviated weekday name |
[FullWeekDayS] | Full weekday name |
[MonthS] | Abbreviated month |
[FullMonthS] | Full month name |
[Day] | Day of month as decimal number (1 - 31) |
[Hour] | Hour in 24-hour format (0 - 23) |
[Hour12] | Hour in 12-hour format (1 - 12) |
[DayOfYear] | Day of year as decimal number (1 - 366) |
[Month] | Month as decimal number (1 - 12) |
[Minute] | Minute as decimal number (0 - 59) |
[AmPm] | Current locale's A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock |
[Second] | Second as decimal number (00 - 59) |
[Week] | Week of year as decimal number, with Sunday as first day of week (0 - 51) |
[Weekday] | Weekday as decimal number (0 - 6; Sunday is 0) |
[WeekOfYear] | Week of year as decimal number, with Monday as first day of week (0 - 51) |
[Year] | Year without century, as decimal number (00 - 99) |
[Year4] | Year with century, as decimal number |
[TZ] | Time-zone name or abbreviation; no characters if time zone is unknown |