
What is Scheduler
Common Scheduler tasks and Automation menu


What is scheduler
Scheduler is a ReGet Deluxe tool that allows to automate some repetitive tasks, e.g. automatically run antivirus program for downloaded file(s), or force computer to be shut down after all downloads are finished, etc.

It's implemented with tasks which may be created in Scheduler. Each task has two attributes : "What to do" and "When to start". Optionally one or more downloads may be associated with task.

"What to do" attribute can take following values:

"When to start" attribute has field "Schedule task", which can take following values:

Combining attribute values in different unions, ReGet can be scheduled to perform various tasks.

Common scheduler tasks and Automation menu.
You can ReGet main menu item "Automation" to automatically create common tasks in Scheduler. Also Automation menu has option "Generate incremental file list". It adds a list of downloads created by specified rule. For example, you want to download list of files, named like "", "", and so on. You can use "Generate incremental file list" option to perform this and similar task.

There are two types of macros in ReGet Deluxe: Scheduler macros and Download macros