Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Connectivity issues:
    1. How does resume in FTP work?
    2. How does resume in HTTP work?
    3. What is the PASV mode (passive mode)?
    4. How does "Smart Rollback" work and what is it all about?
    5. Can ReGet Deluxe download from online files storages (like,, etc.)?
    6. How can I download a file from HTTPS server?
  2. Proxy-servers and firewalls:
    1. Why isn't the file size displayed when downloading files from FTP via Microsoft Proxy Server?
    2. I download from FTP-server with broken downloads resume-support via proxy-server, but ReGet Deluxe always starts downloading from the beginning. Why?
    3. How to find proxy settings?
    4. Can ReGet Deluxe work with SOCKS proxy?
    5. I use Wingate or Firewall programs, what should I configure to download with ReGet Deluxe?
  3. Using ReGet Deluxe issues:
    1. What operating should I use for ReGet Deluxe to work properly?
    2. How do I specify a username and password for my download?
    3. There is no "Download using ReGet Deluxe" option in context menu of my browser. What's wrong?
    4. How do I disable ReGet Deluxe for a particular link or site?
    5. How does Integration in Opera work?
    6. What does Error [5] LocalFileWrite mean?
    7. When I try to run ReGet Deluxe nothing happens - why?
    8. How to force ReGet to download files without splitting them in sections, so every file is being downloaded strictly in 1 section?
    9. How to force ReGet to download only one file at same time in order to get each queued file faster?
  4. Downloading problems:
    1. Why can't I download Windows Update with ReGet Deluxe?
    2. I can't retrieve files from an FTP-server, what should I do?
    3. I am using Napster and ReGet Deluxe cannot download from it.
    4. When I try to download mp3 file from or another server, it automatically opens with my music player (WinAmp, etc) and not being downloaded with ReGet Deluxe.
    5. Why can't I download group of files by mask from FTP-servers sometimes?
    6. Why can't ReGet Deluxe sometimes retrieve files from Web-servers, and my browser can?
  5. Security issues:
    1. What information does ReGet Deluxe send about me and my system?
    2. I've heard rumors about privacy concerns with ad-sponsored software. What can you tell me about that?
    3. Can ReGet Deluxe scan files for viruses?
  6. Useful Tips:
    1. How to switch the splash screen off?

  • Connectivity issues:
    1. Question:
      How does resume in FTP work?
      Most FTP-servers support "REST nnn" command. When client passes this command to server, server sends file from the specified position. Most known server with no broken downloads resume is Microsoft IIS. To be correct, it supports "REST nnn" but requires nnn to be equal 0.

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    2. Question:
      How does resume in HTTP work?
      The special field ("Range: bytes nnn-") have to be supplied in the file request form. If WWW-server supports resume, it returns code 206 and specified part of the file. If it doesn't, it returns the whole file (as in regular request).

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    3. Question:
      What is the PASV mode (passive mode)?
      Usually, when retrieving files over FTP, two connections are used: for commands and for data. Command-connection is set by client, data-connection is set by server. In some cases (when using firewall for instance) both connections have to be set by client. In such a cases server goes to passive mode when "PASV" command is sent from client.

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    4. Question:
      How does "Smart Rollback" work and what is it all about?
      Smart Rollback can be used only while downloading via proxy-server. When you are using proxy-server two connections are being created:
      (1) (2)
      Client <-> proxy-server <-> WWW/FTP-server
      If first connection breaks no additional processing from ReGet is required.
      However, when second connection breaks, proxy-server usually passes error message, adding it to the end of downloaded file. So, if you continue download, you will have this error message within the downloaded file. There are two possible solutions:

      1. When either (first or second) connection breaks we cut off last 2Kb of downloaded file (so does GetRight). The disadvantage is that it was a first connection which broke (so, no extra-stuff is in the downloaded piece of file), so we loose 2Kb of hardly-downloaded file. Also, error messages are usually shorter than 2Kb, though it depends on the server and kind of error.
      2. At any break, we scan last 2Kb for the error string. Author aware only of two possibilities here: "HTTP/1.x" and "<HTML>" (if you encounter any other, please e-mail the author, and he'll add it to the program). So, if we found an error message we cut it off. If we don't find it -- we consider this broke as it was first connection which failed. The disadvantages are: error message can be in the file, but it can be more than 2Kb long, the error messages can start the other way (as we expect). Special case. Some proxy-servers (Microsoft Proxy Server for example) do not report file size when downloading from FTP-servers. So in case of error on the second connection, only way to discover it is to use "Smart rollback". In this case (when downloading via proxy-server, and file size not known, "Smart rollback" is being used ALWAYS.

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    5. Question:
      Can ReGet Deluxe download from online files storages (like,, etc.)?
      Many of free web-disk-space sites are not completely compatible with download managers. But we try to improve this compatibility.
      You can download from most of online storages by doing a few additional steps:
      • Make your folder shared to download from it with ReGet Deluxe or use HTTPS add-on to ReGet Deluxe.
      • We didn't notice any problems with downloading by ReGet Deluxe.

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    6. Question:
      How can I download a file from HTTPS server?
      ReGet Deluxe can download from secure (HTTPS) servers with special add-on. You can get it here.

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  • Proxy-servers and firewalls:
    1. Question:
      Why isn't the file size displayed when downloading files from FTP via Microsoft Proxy Server?
      MS Proxy doesn't provide sizes of files from FTP. It isn't ReGet bug, it's a bug of MS Proxy. Also, as ReGet is not aware of actual file size, it cannot determine the connection breaks. So, if MS Proxy broke connection, for ReGet it would look like successful download.

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    2. Question:
      I download from FTP-server with broken downloads resume-support via proxy-server, but ReGet Deluxe always starts downloading from the beginning. Why?
      The proxy-server might not be supporting resume (like Microsoft Proxy Server). If this is a case, you may try to use direct connection or Winsock-client.

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    3. Question:
      How to find proxy settings?
      Check the proxy settings in your browser to see if you can find the correct settings. Browsers bury these settings, but here is where they are:
      In IE: click "Tools"--"Internet options" then "Connections" then "LAN settings" then (finally) you will see the proxy settings.
      In Netscape: click "Edit"--"Preferences" then "Advanced" then "Proxies".

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    4. Question:
      Can ReGet Deluxe work with SOCKS proxy?
      ReGet 1.8 and higher can correctly work with SOCKS proxy, so we recommend you to install the latest version of ReGet Deluxe. Older versions of ReGet don't have built-in support for SOCKS proxies, but you can use SocksCap32 or similar program to make ReGet work with SOCKS.

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    5. Question:
      I use Wingate or Firewall programs, what should I configure to download with ReGet Deluxe?
      If you use a firewall program, you might need to set it up to allow ReGet Deluxe access to the Internet.
      Wingate can automatically find browsers and email clients, but doesn't find ReGet Deluxe, so you will have to add it manually. You will need to add ReGet Deluxe to the list of programs that have direct access "globally" to the Internet.

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  • Using ReGet Deluxe issues:
    1. Question:
      What operating should I use for ReGet Deluxe to work properly?
      Windows 95/98/2000/NT/ME, Internet Explorer 4.0 and higher, at least 8 Mb of RAM are required for successful installation and use of ReGet Deluxe. If you are using an old version of Windows 95 you may have to download ComCtl32.dll Update and DCOM (Distributed COM) update for Windows 95 from our download page.

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    2. Question:
      How do I specify a username and password for my download?
      The easiest way to specify a username and password is to fill the appropriate fields in Download Properties. You can also do it like that:

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    3. Question:
      There is no "Download using ReGet Deluxe" option in context menu of my browser. What's wrong?
      "Download using ReGet Deluxe" option is available only in Internet Explorer, NeoPlanet, NetCaptor and MSN Explorer. If you use Netscape Navigator or Opera you may only add a download by clicking on a link while ALT-key is pressed.
      If you use IE or IE-based browsers and IE integration checkbox (in the "Options-->Integration" menu) is checked, run ReGet Deluxe from the command line (Start-->Run in Windows) with the "setup" key (you should type in the command line something like "C:\Program Files\ReGetDx\ReGet.exe -setup"). ReGet Deluxe must not be run at that time. And we also recommend you to use the latest version of ReGet Deluxe (please check up our site for the newest version).

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    4. Question:
      How do I disable ReGet Deluxe for a particular link or site?
      To disable ReGet Deluxe temporarily for a particular link, hold down the CTRL key while clicking on the link.

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    5. Question:
      How does Integration in Opera work?
      You should keep ALT-key pressed when click on a link to add a download from Opera. "Download using ReGet Deluxe" context menu option may be implemented later. "Download all by ReGet Deluxe" option will hardly ever possible, as Opera does not support it.

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    6. Question:
      What does Error [5] LocalFileWrite mean?
      Generally, this error means that you cannot access the file. Make sure that you have enough disk space, the file is not being used by another application or someone else couldn't prohibit writing to this directory on your PC. To make sure we'd recommend you to reboot your PC and try to resume download after that.

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    7. Question:
      When I try to run ReGet Deluxe nothing happens - why?
      It is the known Microsoft bug described at . To avoid this bug the string for the following named value must contain a single valid executable name for the shell process (explorer.exe by default):

             HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

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    8. Question:
      How to force ReGet to download files without splitting them in sections, so every file is being downloaded strictly in 1 section?
      You should set value of option 'Number of allowed simultaneous connections' in 'Default download settings' to 1. Default value of this option is 0, which allows ReGet to use optimal section splitting for each download.

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    9. Question:
      How to force ReGet to download only one file at same time in order to get each queued file faster?
      You should set value of option 'Number of simultaneous downloads' in 'General Settings' to 1. Default value of this option is 0, which allows ReGet not to limit the number of files being downloaded simultaneously, which helps download the whole queue quicker.

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  • Downloading problems:
    1. Question:
      Why can't I download Windows Update with ReGet Deluxe?
      Microsoft Windows Update uses its own "install-from-web" software that is incompatible with other download managers.

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    2. Question:
      I can't retrieve files from an FTP-server, what should I do?
      If you are connected to Internet through a firewall/proxy-server, please enable "PASV mode" in the FTP settings for your download(s).

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    3. Question:
      I am using Napster and ReGet Deluxe doesn't start with it.
      Napster has its own download manager, and does not work with external download managers.

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    4. Question:
      When I try to download mp3 file from or another server, it automatically opens with my music player (WinAmp, etc) and not being downloaded with ReGet Deluxe.
      If you want to download the files that automatically play in WinAmp, etc. try to do the following:
      Hold CTRL when click on the link to the file. This will download a very small .AU file. View this file in Notepad and it will contain a real URL to the MP3 file. Highlight this string, copy it to the clipboard and paste to ReGet Deluxe.

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    5. Question:
      Why can't I download group of files by mask from FTP-servers sometimes?
      You can't use "*" and "?" in URLs to download files from FTP-server when using the HTTP-proxy.

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    6. Question:
      Why can't ReGet Deluxe sometimes retrieve files from Web-servers, and my browser can?
      Most likely, the destination server is checking either "User-agent" field or "Referrer" (or both) which are being sent in HTTP-request. Try to disable "User-agent" and set "Referrer" to the page in which you found a link to the file. In most cases, ReGet Deluxe can obtain the necessary "Referrer" setting from your browser, but sometimes it might not work.

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  • Security issues:
    1. Question:
      What information does ReGet Deluxe send about me and my system?
      All the information ReGet Deluxe sends is described at this page.

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    2. Question:
      I've heard rumors about privacy concerns with ad-sponsored software. What can you tell me about that?
      ReGet Software guarantees that ReGet Deluxe Free (if downloaded from official ReGet Software servers) is absolutely clear from any viruses and trojans. All information it sends to ReGet Software and Conducent servers is described in appropriate documents, such as: ReGet Software privacy statement and ReGet Deluxe end user license agreement which is displayed before installation of ReGet Deluxe. For your accommodation we've gathered all this information at one page.
      We can assure you that ReGet (including all its components) doesn't send any other information about your system so it cannot be regarded as a trojan program.

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    3. Question:
      Can ReGet Deluxe scan files for viruses?
      ReGet Deluxe lets you choose to use whatever virus scanner program you want in ReGet Deluxe schedule.

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  • Useful Tips:
    1. Question:
      How to switch the splash screen off?
      Add "/NoSplash" to the filename in ReGet Deluxe shortcut.

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