General Settings
General settings
This is the URL where the file is being downloaded from.
Download description
Download description.
Save under filename
Save downloaded file under different filename (optional).
Save to folder
Folder to which downloaded file will be saved.
Login required
Description not available
If login is required for the download, specify the username here.
If login is required for the download, specify the password here.
Start download on creation
If this is ticked ReGet Deluxe will automatically start download on creation.
Local File Settings
Description not available
Temporary Folder
Makes ReGet Deluxe store the partially downloaded files in the different (temporary) folder.
Update Descript.ion file with download description
Makes ReGet Deluxe append the 'descript.ion' file with the download description when download is completed.
Filename to store descriptions in
The alternative (different from 'descript.ion') filename to store download descriptions in.
Use 'hidden' attribute on partially downloaded files
Makes ReGet Deluxe use the 'hidden' attribute to mask partially downloaded files. This way, file would normally not appear in the Windows Explorer until download is completed.
Use special extension on partially downloaded files
Makes ReGet Deluxe use the special extension to append to the partially downloaded files to make it easy to differentiate them from fully downloaded files. This way, even partially downloaded files would appear in the Windows Explorer, but you will be able to easily differentiate fully downloaded files from partially downloaded files.
Special extension
The extension to append partially downloaded files with. By default, this extension is '.reget'.
Get timestamp from destination server
Makes ReGet Deluxe to request the time and date information from the destination server and use it when timestamping the local file.
Minimal size of file to download
The minimal size for which ReGet Deluxe will attempt to download a file. This option has been enabled for downloading from HTTP (Web) servers which sometimes respond with a small web-page instead of the file you are trying to download. The default value is 0. Please refer to FAQ for additional information.
Download Settings
Description not available
Remove successful downloads from queue
Automatically remove successful downloads from the queue upon completion.
Number of errors before download is stopped
How many errors are allowed before download is stopped.
Pause before each retry (s)
The length (in seconds) of the pause before the new download attempt is undertaken.
Time out (s)
The amount of time (in seconds) after which ReGet Deluxe considers download timed out.
Minimal section size
The minimal size for which the new download section is spawned.
Number of allowed simultaneous connections
Enter the number of allowed simultaneous connections to this site. Most (however not all!) HTTP (Web) servers support unlimited number of connections, recommended setting for the FTP servers is 1, unless you are sure this FTP server supports more than 1 connection from the same IP-address.
Traffic limit for this download (b/s)
The traffic limit for selected download. You can set the limitation on traffic usage for particular download to allow other download(s) to complete faster.
Ignore site restriction
Ignore restriction on simultaneous connections from the Site Manager for this download.
Action on 'Access Denied' error
The action ReGet Deluxe is to undertake when it receives 'Access Denied' error message from server. Select from: Restart Download; Fatal Error; Delay Download. Please note, that Delay Download will put the download back in the queue in the waiting mode to be reactivated when the next download is completed.
Action on 'File Not Found' error
The action ReGet Deluxe is to undertake when it receives 'File Not Found' error message from server. Select from: Restart Download; Fatal Error; Delay Download. Please note, that Delay Download will put the download back in the queue in the waiting mode to be reactivated when the next download is completed.
Action on 'Write File' error
The action ReGet Deluxe is to undertake when it cannot write to the local file. Select from: Restart Download; Fatal Error; Delay Download. Please note, that Delay Download will put the download back in the queue in the waiting mode to be reactivated when the next download is completed.
If the file already exists
Description not available
Rename macros
Description not available
Do not restart download if resuming is not supported
Set this option to force ReGet Deluxe to NOT restart download from the beginning if resuming is not supported by the destination server. With this unchecked, ReGet Deluxe will flush the file already downloaded and try to re-download it from the beginning. With this checked, ReGet Deluxe will keep the partially downloaded file, which you might be able to resume from another server
Restart download if download speed is too low
This option makes ReGet Deluxe to restart download if the downloading speed falls down. Restarting download normally gives a kick in communication to a server you are downloading from and speeds up your download.
If the average download speed falls below (b/s)
The bottom limit of average download speed after dropping to which ReGet Deluxe restarts download.
For the following amount of time (s)
The time (in seconds) for which when the average download speed falls ReGet Deluxe is to restart download.
Download attempts before switching download to Delayed Mode
Number of times ReGet Deluxe should retry the download before switching it to the Delayed Mode.
Ignore change of file size on server
Ignore change of file size on server.
Clear log for successful downloads
Clear log for successful downloads to decrease memory usage.
Do not keep in history
Do not keep this download in history.
Proxy Settings
Settings for the proxy server(s) to be used with your downloads.
HTTP Proxy
These are the settings for HTTP Proxy server. If you are not sure what your HTTP Proxy server is, select 'Get proxy settings from browser'.
HTTP Proxy server type
The HTTP Proxy server type
Server name
The name of the HTTP Proxy server. If you need to specify the port different from 80, please follow the format: (ie:
Login required
If your HTTP Proxy server requires login, please tick this to be prompted for username and password.
If your HTTP Proxy server requires login, specify the username here.
If your HTTP Proxy server requires login, specify the password here.
FTP Proxy
These are the settings for FTP Proxy server. If you are not sure what your FTP Proxy server is, select 'Get proxy settings from browser'.
FTP Proxy server type
The FTP Proxy server type.
Server name
The name of the FTP Proxy server. If you need to specify the port different from 21, please follow the format: (ie:
Login required
If your FTP Proxy server requires login, please tick this to be prompted for username and password.
If your FTP Proxy server requires login, specify the username here.
If your FTP Proxy server requires login, specify the password here.
Enable Socks Proxy
Tick this if you want to use the Socks Proxy for downloading.
Socks type
Specify the Sock Proxy type.
Server name
The name of the Socks Proxy server.
Use Socks proxy server to resolve URLs
Description not available
Login required
If your Socks Proxy server requires login, please tick this to be prompted for username and password.
If your Socks Proxy server requires login, specify the username here.
If your Socks Proxy server requires login, specify the password here.
Force proxy server to don't use a cache
This option makes ReGet Deluxe to force the proxy server to don't use a cache for download.
Use HTTP 1.1 on Proxy
This option makes ReGet Deluxe to use HTTP 1.1 protocol when connecting through proxy server.
Use Rollback
Makes ReGet Deluxe to use Rollback feature. Please refer to FAQ for more information on this feature.
Size (b) for 'Smart Rollback'
Description not available
Use 'Smart Rollback'
Makes ReGet Deluxe to use 'Smart Rollback' feature. Please refer to FAQ for more information on this feature.
HTML-page beginning tags to look for
These are the HTML Tags ReGet Deluxe will be looking for when using the 'Smart Rollback' feature. Please refer to FAQ for more information on this feature.
FTP settings
Settings for downloads from FTP servers.
Use passive FTP mode
Tick this to make ReGet Deluxe download in the passive (PASV) FTP mode.
Download subdirectories from FTP
Makes ReGet Deluxe also download subdirectories from remote FTP server if the mask is used in the URL or when a filename is omitted.
Create subdirectories locally
Makes ReGet Deluxe to fully mirror the remote FTP server by recreating locally the remote server folder structure when downloading files from remote server.
Treat FTP URLs as relative ones
Makes ReGet Deluxe treat the FTP URLs as relative URLs. Please read FAQ for additional information.
Do not use LIST command
This option allows to reasonably speed up FTP downloads by not sending the LIST command to the FTP servers. Setting this ON might be required for some unusual FTP servers which do not respond to the LIST command, while it might affect ReGet Deluxe ability to determine correct filesize before download from the regular FTP servers.
Use MDTM command for file timestamp information
Makes ReGet Deluxe use MDTM command to obtain accurate file timestamp information. This might insignificantly slow down your FTP downloads, however using this setting is crucial if you're planning on using ReGet Deluxe to synchronize local folders with the remote FTP server content.
Inherit properties from parent download
Description not available
HTTP settings
Settings for downloads from HTTP servers.
This is the URL of the referring to the download page. Please note, that this should be set for some sites, like, etc.
HTTP user-agent information
This affects how does ReGet Deluxe represent itself to remote HTTP servers. It is advised to use some popular browser representation to download from servers which might query for this field.
Custom HTTP user-agent information
Specify your custom HTTP user-agent information here. It is advised to use some popular browser representation to download from servers which might query for this field.
Use HTTP 1.1
This option makes ReGet Deluxe to use HTTP 1.1 protocol.
Do not generate referers
If referer string is blank, ReGet automatically generates it basing on download URL. Uncheck this option to keep referer strings blank.
Use Cookies for HTTP downloads
Makes ReGet Deluxe to try to use cookies for downloads. This might be required for some servers which place a cookie on your computer before allowing you to download.
Use this cookie for the download.
HTTP Method
Which HTTP Method ReGet Deluxe should use.
HTTP Post String
Which HTTP Post String ReGet Deluxe to use.