Welcome to reliable fast downloads with ReGet Deluxe!
This easy to use, yet powerfull download manager allows you gracefully recover
broken downloads and download files 3 - 5 times faster than regular download utilities. Aimed at advanced and professional users it comes with extra features, such as automation, site manager, file search, FTP explorer (see this page to know more about ReGet Deluxe's features). If you find ReGet Deluxe too complicated we recommend you to try out its "small brother" ReGet Junior.
If you are new to ReGet, please read "How to use" section of ReGet Deluxe's documentation (press F1 to open documentation system).
You can find detailed list of new features at ReGet Deluxe What's New page.
ReGet Deluxe is a shareware product. You should register your copy of ReGet Deluxe to use it after free 30-days trial period. Please visit our order page to buy ReGet Deluxe for $29.95.
Technical support is free and unlimited by e-mail. However, we strongly recommend you to visit support section of our site prior to e-mailing to support@reget.com.
You can also get help from or share your knowledge with other ReGet users in the ReGet Deluxe Newsgroup.