text overlay... [registered users only]

the text overlay is certainly the most complex part of this software, from here you can add some text or picture over the existing cover. i'll try to explain how it works but after playing with it a few minutes you should be able to do what you want with it...

the button to acces this one is under each picture and named "overlay".

it is splitted in 2 parts the tools and the preview windows (wysiwyg).
to add a new object press the "insert object" button.

i'll appear on the preview with a type.your.text.here label, by default it's a text object but if you decide to replace it by a picture click on the "..." button near the picture field in the tools and select the picture.

the other options such as width / height / color / angle / ... are easy enough to understand i think so i won't enumerate them.

once you new overlay template is ready you can save it by pressing the "save" button in top of the preview frame. select the index number and a name and press "ok". after that you'll be able to recall / edit your preset at anytime.

press the apply button in the tools to apply the preset or hit the "X" button to cancel.

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