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Creating Terrains Using Pictures

The Terrain Editor converts grayscale values in the Terrain Canvas into altitudes to create terrain objects. You can take advantage of this process to create unique terrains based on the grayscale values in a picture.

The Terrain Editor's Picture tab lets you import a picture into the Terrain Canvas. You can then apply elevation effects or filters just as you would to any other Terrain Canvas.

The Pictures Tab

The Picture tab has three picture squares and a blend control. The first two picture squares let you load a picture to use as a terrain and the third square shows you the result of combining the two pictures. The blend control lets you specify how the pictures are combined.

Working in the Pictures Tab

Loading Pictures

You can load any two pictures from your system. You can also paste images from the Clipboard.

To load pictures:
To copy and paste a picture into the Picture tab:

1 In another application, copy the picture you want to use to the Clipboard.

2 In the Picture tab, click the Paste text button below the picture box where you want the picture to appear.

When you use Command/Ctrl+V to paste from the Clipboard, the picture always appears in the first square.

Blending Pictures

Once you have a picture in each of the first two squares, you blend them to create a third image that is used to create the new Terrain Canvas.

To blend pictures:

1 Load pictures into the first two squares.

If you load only one picture a white square is used as the second blend image.

2 Click the triangle icon under the third picture box and choose a Blend mode from the menu:

3 Drag the pointer over the Blend control.

Click and drag to the left to use more of the first image in the blend. Click and drag to the right to use more of the second image.

Applying Changes to the Terrain Canvas

Although the result of blending pictures appears in the third picture box, it is not automatically applied to your Terrain Canvas.

To apply a picture to the Terrain Canvas:

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