Editor Options
Resplendent Registrar offers a set of advanced options which allow you to customize the behaviour of the built-in registry editor and the program in general. To open the Editor Options dialog, choose Tools -> Options... from the main menu.
Read-Only Mode
If you want to browse your
registry without having the fear to change it accidentally then this
is a good safety option. If you check this box, changes to the registry will be
Try to open registry keys by force if
access is denied (Win XP/2000/NT only)
This setting will
allow you to view those parts of the registry that users normally do not have access to
and registry editors normally do not show.
Automatically bring up value
properties when creating new values
If this box is checked then you will automatically be taken to the value property
editor when creating a new value.
When searching, do not display
registry keys and values related to Registrar
Check this box to hide the
registry keys which Registrar uses for storing internal data such as undo
information. Often these can have confusing results.
Jump to last opened
registry key on startup
If this box is checked, the program will always startup with the last opened
local registry key.
Jump to last opened
registry key on startup
If this box is checked, the program will always startup with the last opened
local registry key.
Prompt before making any registry changes
to have a confirmation box pop-up every time you perform a registry
Select Prompt
only before copying, moving, deleting or renaming keys or values
will make you prompt for confirmation only when a potentially destructive
registry operation takes place. have a confirmation box pop-up every time you
perform a registry operation.
If you wish to have no confirmation prompts at all as a safeguard, then you can
select the option Never Prompt when editing. However enabling this option
is not recommended by the authors of this software as this may lead very quickly
to corrupted registry data since an unintentional key press or drag & drop
movement is easily made.
When dragging &
Choose Do
Nothing not to have any action
take place when you drag one or more registry keys/values onto another key. If
you wish to use drag & drop to perform copy operations on other registry
keys, select Copy
Keys/Values. If you wish to test
if the contents of two registry keys are equal by using drag & drop then
select Compare Keys.
Prefix to use on new keys
Here you can enter the name that will be given to
each new key that you create with the program.
Prefix to use on new values
Here you can enter the name that will be given to
each new value that you create with the program.