Registry Key Auditing


Note: this functionality is only available when running on Windows XP/2000/NT.

Resplendent Registrar supports the security features of Windows XP, 2000 and NT  by allowing you to auditing actions on registry keys. In order to access to the enter the auditing dialog, select the registry key to which you want to change the security settings and choose Edit Auditing from the Main Menu.

The appearance and functionality of this editor will depend on the operating system you are running. If you are running Windows 2000 you have the chance to use the old NT4 style security dialogs by selecting Use NT4 style security dialogs when editing permissions and auditing in the Shell Options dialog.

For more information on registry key auditing, refer to the Help documentation of regedt32.exe. Simply run regedt32.exe at a command prompt and select help. You will find specific information for your operating system on editing registry key permissions. Additional information is available by following the links from our registry support website

Note that registry key auditing changes can only be undone by restoring from a registry backup.