' !!! WARNING : SKINNING IS NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE !!! ' version Version=5 ' Starting bottom hint (should be the title or the skin) Hint= ' MenuItems.BMP separations MenuSep=31,62,122,158,209,250 ' title bar font (name, color, height) TitleFont=Arial,$00D8D0C0,-11 ' hint font HintFont=Arial,$00C8C0B0,-11 ' sample browser tree font SBTreeFont=Arial,$0065924E,-11 ' scope color (2 (stereo) *2 (gradient)) ScopeCol=$C6CC95,$C6CC95,$A6AC75,$A6AC75 ' sample settings scope colors SampleScopeCol=$02203000,$02455500,$02DBDFA5 ' graph window colors GraphCol=$00997959,$00795999,$00799959,$001949B9,$00995979,$002969A9 ' sample browser colors SBCol=$029A9070,$02BAB6B6,$0290A878 ' main scroller color MainScrollerCol=$6F6A61 ' sample browser color SBScrollerCol=$6D685F ' chan pan/vol, mute, set, select, grid, piano roll relative positions (set of X,Y points) ChanBtns=17,5, 5,9, 56,0, 120,0,137,0,8,14