Project Info
The Project Info page contains fields for song's title and for additional
information about the project.
- Title - In this field you can write the title
of your song.
- Genre - Genre for your song. This parameter is compatible with genres in MP3 and WAV files and is exported when you export your project to audio files.
- Author - Fill here the project author (composer). This information is saves in MP3 / WAV files on export.
- Info - Here you can write additional information
about the song. This field supports RTF (Rich Text Format) data. This means
it preserves the font, color and other characteristics of the text you paste
from RTF clipboard (i.e. you can paste properly text from Word, Wordpad etc.).
- URL - You can write here the URL of your homepage
or your e-mail address.
- Show it on Open - If turned on, a small window
will show when opening a project, which shows its title, info and URL (URL
can be clicked to follow the link).