Transport Panel

The Transport panel contains controls for playing, recording, setting song's position and tempo.

  1. Pattern/Song Mode ( L) - Switches between pattern and song mode. In pattern mode, only the current pattern is played, while in song mode the whole sequence in the Playlist is played. If the Playlist is empty, in song mode FL Studio will play the patterns in successive order. Right-clicking this control shows/hides the Playlist window.
  2. Play/Pause ( Space) - In record mode, plays/pauses the song and records MIDI input & wheels/sliders tweaks, otherwise just plays/pauses the song.
  3. Stop ( Space) - Stops recording/playing.
  4. Record ( R) - Switches between record and play mode.
  5. Tempo - Contains the song tempo and tempo fine tune song controls:
  6. Pattern Selector ( + /for next pattern/; - /for previous pattern/) - Shows/sets the current pattern. You can have up to 999 patterns.
  7. Song Position Slider - Shows/sets the current song position.