Mixer Pop-Up Menu

This section covers the Mixer pop-up menu commands.

    1. Mixer Menu
    2. Tracks Group Selector
    3. Solo Switch (activate to hear only the audio output from the selected mixer track)
    4. Mixer Tracks
    5. Track Panning
    6. Track Volume
    7. Master Track
    8. Insert Tracks
    9. Send Tracks
    10. External Effects Banks
    11. Mixer Track Properties
    12. Audio Input/Output Routing

The following command are available in the Mixer pop-up menu (1):



Disk Recording

Link Selected Channels

Select Linked Channels ( Ctrl+L)

Selects all channels that are linked to the currently displayed insert FX track.

Set Name

Lets you set a custom name and color for the current FX track.

Switch Smart Disable for All

Turns the Smart Disable feature for the plugin filters in all mixer tracks.