Sampler Channel Settings (SMP)
The Sampler Channel Settings page holds properties specific for the Sampler
generator. It also appears in plugin generators that support custom shapes for
their oscillators. In such case, only the sample bank is visible in this tab.
NOTE: Disabled options - You might notice that some of the options in your Sampler channels are disabled, however you can still toggle them on/off. This is done to improve workflow when trying out many samples in the same channel.
For example, you can turn Keep on Disk even on a sample that can't be kept on disk due to its format or precalc effects. If you load a sample with the correct format, it will be automatically kept on disk if possible.
1. Sample Bank
The sample bank contains the wave that Sampler uses for synthesis. Left-click
the button on the left side to browse a sample
or SimSynth/DrumSynth
preset for the sample bank. The Open dialog has been enhanced with Favorites
section. The combo box on the right side displays the name of the currently
selected sample. If you left-click it, a history list with recently opened samples
2. Wave
Contains general wave handling routines.
- Keep on Disk - Turning this option on lets
you save memory by streaming the sample from your hard disk, instead of loading
it entirely in the memory. Note that to be able to use this option, the sample
needs to be in 44100 kHz 16 bit Stereo format. Also, you can not use precalculated
effects (4), because they are applied
to the whole wave at once.
- Resample - If your sample is not at 44100
kHz 16 bit Stereo format, resampling with this option results in higher quality output. It is not recommended to turn
this on for looped samples. Since all loop points are sample aligned, resampling
may cause "clicks". Note that while this option improves the real-time playback,
it requires additional CPU and memory (resampled waves are bigger). Also,
if you use hermite curve interpolation or better in your audio or export settings,
the quality of non-resampled waves won't be degraded.
- Load regions - Whether to load the regions/slices markers available in some wave samples and in the ZGR / REX loop files. If the loaded sample contains any regions/slices data, this option will be available (label won't be grayed out). Regions/slices are used during time stretching for more accurate sample processing (see below).
- Load ACID markers - Whether to load the ACID beat markers for the sample if available.
3. Loop
Contains options concerning sample looping.
- Use Loop Points - If the sample contains loop
points (this is visible in the Sample view described below), you can check
this option to make the sample loop. It will start playing from the beginning,
then when it reaches the loop end point, it will "jump" back to
the first loop point, thus creating sound with unlimited length, useful for
instruments like strings, organs etc.
- Ping Pong Loop - This effect will take the
wave between the loop markers and insert it reversed right before the loop
end marker. The audible effect is like sample "ping-pongs" between
the start and end loop points, instead of just jumping back to the start loop
4. Time stretching
Time-stretching allows you to preprocess samples on the fly to adjust them to your project's tempo.
FL Studio's time stretching algorithms preserve pitch & aren't applied at runtime, but as a high-quality sample preprocessor which is run on the fly as needed. This allows higher quality output and no CPU is spent for constantly processing the samples during playback. The only exception is "resample" stretching which won't preserve pitch and is very light on processor resources.
The non-realtime time stretching algorithms adjust the samples to match project's base tempo. This means that if you adjust your base tempo and there are samples which use time stretching, you will be prompted to process all samples for the new setting. Dynamic tempo changes during the song (tempo automation) can't be compensated for, so resampling is used to keep the time stretched samples in sync.
To disable time stretching for the sample, turn the Time knob maximum to left (set to 0). This is the default mode which won't use resampling during dynamic tempo changes to preserve sync.
- Pitch Shift (PITCH) - Allows you to shift the sample pitch while preserving its length. Since this kind of processing is not possible if the stretching method selected is "resample", the method is automatically changed to "auto" after tweaking this knob.
- Time Multiplicator (MUL) - Use this knob as a modificator to the sample length. Using the multiplicator you can quickly, for example, stretch the sample to twice its length without the need to modify the Time setting.
- Time Stretch (TIME) - This parameter sets the sample length (sample "time") using tempo-based measures (bars, steps etc.), so that you can link the sample with the base project tempo. While adjusting the knob you can see the assigned time value in the hint bar, as well as the computed "actual" tempo FL Studio gets for the sample tempo according to the set length. If the tempo is too high or too low, you'll see a note "unrealistic tempo" shown instead. Right-click menu: the right click menu for this parameter shows some handy presets & the autodetect command which makes an attempt to autodetect the tempo of the sample (the results may vary depending on the source material). NOTE: Audio clips will adjust the Time property accordingly when stretched;
- Stretch Method (combo box) - Selects the time stretch method. Several of the methods feature the high-quality ZPlane Elastique engine which performs the processing as a precalculated effect as needed. Resample is the most basic stretching method and it doesn't preserve pitch (note that some Sampler Plugins change that, for ex. Granulizer). This is the only method which is applied at runtime during playback, so it responds to dynamic tempo changes. Elastique (drums) is a transients aware algorithm which is best suited for time-stretching drum loops. Elastique (tonal) is best used with vocals and complex audio material (such as full songs). Elastique (slices) auto-slices the source sample (if it has no loaded slices) and stretches it using the same algorithm found in the Fruity Slicer plugin. Slice map also performs the auto-slice step (if no slices are loaded from the sample) but it plays the sample without creating transitions to "stitch" the individual slices. This method is best used on some drum loops. Auto performs an automatic selection of one of the methods covered here as follows: if the sample has no loaded slices/regions: elastique (drums) is used; if there are regions, and the stretch is moderate or extreme: elastique (slices) is used; if there are regions loaded, and the stretch is minor: slice map is used.
5. Precomputed effects
This is a set of effects and processing routines for the sample loaded in the
sample bank. None of them requires additional CPU power to play your song,
they are all applied precomputed - FL Studio processes the sample and then
it loads it in the memory with all effects already applied. However, this
makes the automation of those effects impossible (see Automation).
Also, applying them to streamed samples (when the
Keep on Disk option is turned on) will cause the entire sample to be loaded in RAM (which is not desired for long samples).
- Remove DC Offset - Removes any DC
offset in the loaded sample.
- Reverse Polarity - "Flips" the waveform vertically.
- Normalize - Maximizes the sample volume without clipping.
- Fade Stereo - Creates a stereo fade from
the left to the right channel of the sample.
- Reverse - Reverses the sample.
- Swap Stereo - Switches left and right
channel of the loaded sample.
- Fade In (IN) - Applies a quick fade in to the sample (turn maximum to left
to disable).
- Fade Out (OUT) - Applies a quick fade out to the sample (turn maximum to
left to disable).
- Pitch bend (POGO) - Applies pitch bend to
the sample. Useful with drum samples.
- Crossfade Loop (CRF) - Allows you to crossfade the sample for the creation
of smooth loop sections (turn maximum to
left to disable).
- Trim Threshold (TRIM) - FL Studio trims the
silence in the end of the samples, as this frees up RAM and does not alter
the resulting
sound. This control allows you to raise the volume threshold below which
FL Studio detects "silence". Using this control you can allow FL Studio
to filter very quite noise in your sample, or set the threshold to zero
to filter only pure "mathematical" silence.
6. Sample View
The sample view displays the loaded sample (with all precomputed effects applied).
It also shows the loop points and region locations, if such exist (loop points and regions can be set
by using an external wave editor). The first vertical red line is the loop
start point; the second one is the loop end point. Left-clicking the sample
view previews
the sample (if time stretching is enabled, the preview is tempo synchronized). Right-clicking it shows a menu with additional channel settings
and commands. It contains exactly the same entries as the menu you can call
by clicking the button at the top left corner of the Channel
Settings window.
7. SimSynth Preset
This panel appears only when a SimSynth preset
is used to fill the sample bank.
Enable the Use Riff option if you want to generate
the whole riff in the preset (this option is disabled if the preset you used
does not contain riff data). The Tempo wheel lets
you set the tempo of the generated riff.
8. DrumSynth Preset
This panel appears only when a DrumSynth preset
is used to fill the sample bank. They are few parameters that define the generated
sound and they are identical to the same options in DrumSynth standalone.
- Tone (TONE) - Sets the loudness of the sine
oscillator in DrumSynth.
- Overtone (OVER) - Sets the loudness of the
second oscillator in DrumSynth.
- Noise (NOISE) - Sets the amount of white noise
added to the sample.
- Noise Band (BAND) - Sets the loudness of noise
band generator in DrumSynth.
- Time (TIME) - Sets the length of the generated
9. Legacy Precomputed Effects
This panel contains old deprecated precalculation effects. It is visible only
if you select Show Legacy Precomputed Effects in
your General
Settings and it is included for compatibility with
projects created in earlier releases of the product.
It is recommended not to
use these effects with new projects.
- Amplify (AMP) - You can use this effect
to to distort your sample or to amplify low volume samples.
- Boost (FX1) - This effect is useful
for boosting up & overdriving your sample.
- Sine FX - Applies a sine modulation to the
sample. The first wheel controls the amount of modulation; the second one
controls the sine frequency.
- Cutoff & Resonance (CUT & RES) -
Applies a low pass cutoff and resonance filter (for
a real-time automated cutoff and resonance filter, see Instrument
Channel Settings).
- Reverb - Use this effect to add "smooth" echoes
to your sample. You have two different modes of reverb available - A & B.
The wheel controls the amount of reverb applied to the sound. This effect
may extend your sample at the end to fit the whole reverb (it is recommended
that you use the real-time reverb effect included with FL Studio - Fruity
Reeverb, see Effects).
- Stereo Delay (S.DEL) - This effect applies
a short delay between the left and the right side of the sample, which creates
a pseudo stereo effect. Turning the wheel to right slides the left channel
forward, while turning it left slides the right channel forward. Note that
it is recommended not to use that effect on looped samples. Since all loop
points are sample aligned, sliding either channel may cause clicks.