
Extract data from Outlook and MAPI stores

mapitool.exe converts Outlook and Exchange message stores, such as .pst files, to .msg files. Each message or other item is converted to a .msg file, with the Outlook or Exchange folder structure mirrored in the directory structure of the output files.

Command-line options:
-lf             List folders in default profile
-lp             List profiles (default profile will be marked with *)
-xm dest-folder Extract all messages in .MSG file to folder name dest-folder
-pst filename   Use specified PST file instead of an existing profile
-log            Enable debug logging
-c	        Choose Outlook folder to extract (use with -xm)
-t "template"   Provide a custom template for extracted item names.
                Use these symbols in the template:
                %%Sender%% 		Sender name (email address)
                %%SenderName%% 		Sender name
                %%SenderEmail%% 	Sender email address
                %%Subject%% 		Message subject
                %%RecordKey%% 		MAPI-generated unique code
			                identifying this message in the store
		%%Ordinal%% 		A counter incremented for each message
		Note: Either Ordinal or RecordKey should be included to
		ensure that each message has a unique name.

mapitool -xm c:\Messages
Extract all messages from the default profile and store them in a folder tree under c:\Messages.

mapitool -xm c:\Messages -pst c:\Input\Smith.pst
Extract all messages from Smith.pst and store them in a folder tree under c:\Messages

mapitool -xm c:\Messages -c
Choose a folder from the Outlook folder tree and extract all messages from that folder (and any subfolders) to c:\Messages

mapitool -xm c:\temp\msg -c -t "%%Sender%% - %%Subject%% [%%RecordKey%%].msg"
Choose a folder from the Outlook folder tree and extract all messages from that folder (and any subfolders) to c:\temp\msg, using a custom template for the name of each message.

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