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Steps for creating a FotoShow

In order to create a FotoShow, you must:

  1. Before you choose the "Create FotoShow" menu option, you must select the album or group that has the images you wish to create the show from. If you only wish to create the show from certain images, then select them before choosing the Create FotoShow option.
  2. If you have selected the images, then you must choose whether you want to create the show from only the currently selected images, or from all currently displayed images.
  3. Select the options (described below) and then press "Next".
  4. The video will be compiled and you can then preview your show. You must press the play button (right arrow) to start viewing the preview.
  5. If the preview looks fine, then you can choose the final options to save your show (described below).

Note: All of the settings for the show are saved within the currently chosen album or group. This allows you to easily modify the settings for show and re-generate it later.

Video size: This determines the "frame size" for the video. The larger the frame size, the larger it will appear during playback but it will also require a lot more disk space.

Transitions: This determines the fade (or transition) between images in the show. You can choose random to allow FotoAlbum to randomly determine transitions between all images.

Include captions: If checked, you will be give options to control how captions are displayed along with each image.

FotoShow Creation Options

Image duration: This is the number of seconds the image will display (including the transition time). before the

Transition duration: This is the number of seconds the transition from one image to the next will take. This is the time from the start of the transition to the end.

Transition to first slide: If checked, then a transition will be applied before the first frame (starting from a black frame). Otherwise the show will start with the first image appearing.

Include audio with movie: If checked, then background music will play when the show is being viewed.

Soundtrack file: This is the audio file that will be included. Typically this is MP3 or WMF.

Fadeout (secs): This is the number of seconds that the music will start to fadeout from the end of the show. It will go from full volume to no volume over the number of seconds specified.

Auto adjust image duration to match length of audio: If checked, then the image duration will be computed by FotoAlbum to ensure that the entire audio track is played before the show finishes.


Font: Use these settings to control the font style, size and color for each image.

Text properties: These settings allow greater control over how the captions will appear on the image, including the location the text appears and how opaque (clear) it is.

FotoShow Saving options

WMV (Output file): If this format is chosen, the FotoShow will be saved as a Windows Media Video (WMF) file format. This format is generally recommended to minimize file space.

AVI (Output file): The AVI format creates an uncompressed video that can be very large. It generally is only used when you intend to re-encode the video into another format using another Codec on your system.

Filename: This specifies the filename that you wish to save your FotoShow to. It does not have to be saved into your picture folder unless you also wish to add the video to an album or group.

Add To: This option allows you to add the show to an album.

Add images from show into a new group: If you created a FotoShow from selected images (not from an entire album or group), then you have the option of saving the selected images into a newly created group within an album. This ensures that the images used to create the show along with the settings are maintained if you later want to edit the video. This option is not available if you created the show from an album or group since the settings are saved away with the chosen album/group.

Album for new group: If the selected images are saved to a new group, this is the album to add the group to.

New group name: This is the name of the group that will be created in the previously defined album. Note: This group must not already exist.

See Also

Creating FotoShow's

What is a FotoShow

Requirements for creating/viewing FotoShows