Exporting pictures from FotoAlbum allows you to copy some or all of your albums to another location outside your picture folder. It also allows you to export the albums in a manner that other programs might expect (using a folder structure to store the albums/groups). Using this feature, you can create a set of folders and files on your PC that matches your albums exactly. However, if a picture exists in multiple albums or groups, it could require the duplication of the file to accurately reflect the structure. Whether the file is duplicated during the export or whether links are created is one option you must choose.
Export Pictures option
Export pictures to folders corresponding to my albums and groups: If checked, this option will create a folder structure that emulates your albums and groups. Within each folder will be the pictures contained within that album or group. Whether copies of files are created to handle multiple links is determined by the Duplicate Picture option discussed below.
Export pictures to the destination folder only (no sub-folders): This option will copy all specified pictures to a single folder. If duplicate filenames exist within your picture folder, unique filenames will be created to ensure that all files are copied.
Export pictures to the destination folder (keep sub-folders): This option copies all specified pictures to the destination folder while keeping your folder structure intact. This ensures that no files are duplicated nor renamed.
Duplicate Picture option (Only available if exporting folders based upon albums)
Duplicate pictures in more than one album/group: This option will cause a duplicate copy of an image to be created for EVERY album or group the picture belongs. This can potentially require a lot of wasted disk space if you have images assigned to a lot of albums or groups.
Create links to pictures in more than one album/group: This option will copy an image to the first album/group it is contained in then create a link to that first file for all other references. This prevents the file duplication problem with the first option, but many programs can not make use of these types of links. Also, links have problems if you intend to copy or move the folders to other PC's or locations.