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Support for Videos

FotoAlbum Pro allows the syncing of videos to the FotoTime website only if you have purchased the video option. Due to the extra bandwidth required to share videos, FotoTime subscribers must purchase the video option before you will be able to upload videos.

Once you have purchased the video option, you must FotoSync once in order for FotoAlbum to detect your newly purchased option. After the sync, you can then mark videos for publishing and they will sync.

Once videos are uploaded, they are converted to the Microsoft Media Video (WMV) format. This ensures the ability of guests to view the clips in a streaming manner without having to install Codecs first. Your original video (before conversion) is maintained on the website and can be recovered.

Note: Because videos are generally much larger than pictures, the time required to sync may be greatly extended. There is no way to "shrink" videos before sending them to the FotoTime site.

See Also

FotoSync (2-way sync)

What is FotoSync

How does FotoSync work ?

Unpublishing (Stop Sharing)

Album Types (Auto vs. Web/PC Only)

Starting a FotoSync

Verifying and selecting changes to apply

Determining details of a Sync before applying

Time verification (verify PC clock)

Compressing pictures

Solving FotoSync problems