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Reordering Albums

Albums are ordered from left-to-right in FotoAlbum and from top-to-bottom on the FotoTime website. You can change the order of these albums at any time.

To reorder albums, you must:

Reordering Albums Screenshot

Note: When you re-order albums, it will also change the order on the FotoTime website the next time you sync.

The first album is the "default" album when you logon the FotoTime website. Therefore, you will want to pick a good opening album for guests to view.

See Also

Albums And Groups

What Are Albums And Groups?

Creating Albums

Album Properties

Creating Groups

Group Properties

Adding Pictures Or Videos To Albums And Groups

Removing Pictures From Album And Groups

Using The Add To Feature

Viewing Pictures Within An Album Or Group

Moving (Re-Ordering) Groups

Removing Albums

Removing Groups

Sorting Pictures In An Album

Viewing/Changing album and group descriptions