Within the Create FotoCD wizard, there are several options that determine what is saved on the CD (or in the ISO image).
Only include albums that are not empty: If this option is checked, only albums that have images or videos will be included on the CD/DVD. Empty albums will be removed from the list of albums that appear on the CD/DVD.
Use preferences designed on this system: If this option is checked, a copy of all preferences used on the current system will be saved on the CD/DVD. When viewing the images, those preferences will be used on the viewing system.
Provide access to FotoTime guest login: If checked, then viewers of the FotoCD can use the "View Web" button to quickly view your FotoTime account. However, they will only be given guest privileges and will not be able to modify any albums or images.
Auto-run slideshow: If the "Auto-run slideshow" option is checked, then whenever someone inserts the CD, it will auto-run FotoAlbum and start the slideshow. If this option is unchecked, FotoAlbum will still auto-run and the user will be placed in the All view.
In addition, you must choose what albums/groups you wish to include on the FotoCD.
All albums and pictures: This ensures that all albums, pictures and videos will be saved on the CD. This includes images that are not associated with any album. If you wish to only save images that are part of an album, choose the option "Selected albums/groups" and leave all albums checked.
Selected pictures: This option is only available if you had multiple images chosen before starting the Create FotoCD wizard. If checked, then only those images that were previously selected will be saved on the CD.
Selected albums/groups: If this option is chosen, then only the albums and groups that are chosen will be saved. Note: If this option is chosen and all albums are checked, then only images that are within albums will be saved. Images not assigned to any album will not be saved.