101 &About Money Repair... 1100 Select the file you want to repair, and choose an output folder and name for the new file that this tool will create. 1101 Although this tool cannot repair all damaged files, in many cases it can reclaim information with very minimal data loss. If it becomes necessary to discard any corrupted information, you will be able to view a log file that describes that information in as much detail as possible. 1102 This utility can do a variety of repair levels. If you're unsure of which to choose, try 'Level 2 (Standard)' first and review the results. 1103 Level 1 (Quick Repair) 1104 Level 2 (Standard) 1105 Level 3 (Deep Salvage) 1106 Performs the minimum corrective actions to your existing file. 1107 Performs a thorough repair and salvage by checking the integrity of all stored data. 1108 Performs the most aggressive repair by checking the integrity of all stored data and relinking all cross-references. 1109 Ready to begin repairing your file. 1110 Error 1111 Please choose a unique destination file name. 1112 Please choose a valid destination file name. 1113 The file you've selected for repair can't be found. 1114 The destination filename you've specified already exists. 1115 The password for this file is incorrect. 1116 The utility could not repair your file. Repair a different version of your file, restore a backup file, or re-install Money. You should also make sure your file is not saved as read-only. 1117 Your file has been successfully repaired. Choose 'View Log' to get more details about any damaged information that may have been encountered. 1118 Congratulations 1119 Your file has been successfully repaired, but some important structural information has been temporarily lost. You must run 'MSMONEY /S filename' in order to complete the salvage operation. 1120 Warning 1121 Required salvage dll (rsalv.dll) couldn't be found 1122 Required salvage dll (j3salv.dll) couldn't be found 1123 Required salvage dlls (j3salv.dll and rsalv.dll) couldn't be found 1124 Invalid database 1125 Notepad did not start: GetLastError = 0x%lx. 1126 Salvage 1127 No broken records in the original file. 1128 File failed to open. The file may be in use by another process. Please wait a few minutes and try again, or restart your computer and try again.