All kinds of audio files enhance the speech and alters audience moods. Pick a file that suits your voice clip. There are two ways to add background audio to your project.
The first method is to go to Accessories > Background Audio > Add or click on the icon in the main toolbar.
Pick an audio Wave file and then click Open.
The second method is to click the BG Audio tab.
Right click and a menu will appear. Choose Add.
Select a suitable Wave file. Click Open.
This audio file should now appear under this tab along with the file's duration.
Now that your background audio file has been added into your project, you now must select a specific area to insert it in.
With the BG Audio tab active, drag your file over to the Audio row while in Head Animation Pack mode and release. The position indicator line will direct you to the placement of the audio file while your cursor changes into a musical note.
Another method is to first select a viseme or an area by clicking and dragging in one of the rows.
Right click in the Audio row and a menu appears. Choose Insert Audio...
Select the background audio file and modify the volume if you wish. Click OK.
Note: If your background audio is longer in duration than the selected area, it will not play out in its entirety. If it is shorter in duration that the selected area, it will repeat from the beginning.