Home: CD Autorun Creator
Create powerful autorun programs for your CDs



You can register your copy of CD Autorun Creator at a cost of $30 (personal license) or $85 (commercial license). With the personal license, you can use the program for non-commercial purposes in a non-business, non-commercial environment. To use the program in a corporate, government or business environment, you should purchase a commercial license.

On payment approval (usually within a few hours after you register online), we'll send you the registration key which will remove limitations of the unregistered version of the program. All registrations will be valid for all future versions of the program.

Your credit card information is sent directly to the credit card processor in a secure manner, so that nobody else can see it. This protects you by ensuring that nobody but you and the credit card processor will see your card.

Online registrations are handled by
ShareIt( http://www.shareIt.com ) and Qwerks( http://www.qwerks.com ), one of the world's leading e-commerce providers for software and shareware sales via the Internet.

Click here to purchase CD Autorun Creator personal license($30)
ShareIt: http://shareit1.element5.com/product.html?productid=163306
or Qwerks: https://www.Qwerks.com/order/buynow.asp?ProductID=4673

Click here to purchase CD Autorun Creator commercial license($90)
ShareIt: http://shareit1.element5.com/product.html?productid=161525
or Qwerks: https://www.Qwerks.com/order/buynow.asp?ProductID=4674

If you have question about program registration you can contact the support