iWorm's Help System






    iWorm is a powerful tool, which helps you to download files from HTTP servers; create a full web site copy at your hard drive with all files and directories you need. Simply point the start address in preferences, and all the chosen server content will be yours. High downloading speed, auto redialing,  an ability to set the time working on the Net and automatic launch in defined time, ability to point types of files being downloaded - all that at your service.

Main Menu



  Program Interface Description


    Create new project
    Open Project
Last Project
    Save Project
    Project Preferences

    Task Scheduler
    Program Preferences

    iWorm's homepage
    Write a letter

Main Menu

  Create new project

    Clicking this menu item will show the list of project, you can create

- Create web site copy on a hard drive
- Download files on known links


    Clicking on the point "Create web site copy on a hard drive"
You'll see opened window "Create new project". In "Point project file destination:" field you should point FULL path to the project file [project file - file, where all settings made are being saved, project file has a view: file_name.wrm]. Full path means string like C:\projects\myproject.wrm . It's better for you to click on button "View..." and to point the destination folder and file name (without extension), but not to write path manually. 
    Now you should to fill in the field "Point starting URL-address:". Here you should enter a link to the starting web-page, from which downloading would be started. This link may look like: www.microsoft.com or http://www.kofman.vlink.ru/index.htm or any other (ATTENTION: program can work correctly only with HTTP protocol).
     By default checkbox "Download only from the specified site" is checked, this means that program will download files only from the specified by you site (for example if you entered http://www.kofman.vlink.ru/index.htm as a starting URL, then only the www.kofman.vlink.ru site will be downloaded, and if there are any links to other sites they will be ignored). If you will uncheck this box program would process all links.
    When all fields of this window is filled you may press " Ok" button, after that project file will be created on your hard drive and program will go into waiting mode, or you may press button "Cancel", then project create window will be closed and project file won't be created.



    Click on an item "Download files on known links" and you will see opened window "Creating new project ". In "Point project file destination:" field you should point FULL path to the project file [project file - file, where all settings made are being saved, project file has a view: file_name.wrm]. Full path means string like C:\projects\myproject.wrm . It's better for you to click on button "View..." and to point the destination folder and file name (without extension), but not to write path manually. 
    Now you should to fill in the field "Enter the URL-links list:". Here you should enter links to the files or web-pages you want to download. This links may look like: http://www.kofman.vlink.ru/index.htm or http://www.kofman.vlink.ru/dll/rasapi32_winNT.zip or any other (ATTENTION: program can work correctly only with HTTP protocol).
    When all fields of this window is filled you may press " Ok" button, after that project file will be created on your hard drive and program will go into waiting mode, or you may press button "Cancel", then project create window will be closed and project file won't be created.


  Open a project

    Click on the item "Open a project" and you'll see opened window "Open", where you should choose an existing project file, then press "Open". When the project is successfully loaded program turns to waiting state, and if opened project had run earlier and had downloaded something, you'll see downloaded files list.


  Last projects

    Click on the item "Last projects" you will see the opened window in which there will be five fields. Each time when you open the project, path to file of project is brought in the uppermost field, and if in it already there was a link to other file of project, link is transferred in the second field of a window. Thus you always can quickly open any of five before the open projects.


  Save project

    If you click an item "Save Project" in a status line of program (bottom line in the program main window) you'll see an inscription "Saving project...", after completing saving an inscription "Project is saved" will appear. You may save project while it's downloading, but delay in downloading is possible. If you hasn't opened any project or hasn't created a new saving is impossible.


  Project Preferences

    Choosing an item "Preferences" will show you opened window "Project Preferences". Here is three tabs:

1. Main settings
        For a project creating a web-site copy on a hard drive
        For a project downloading files on known links

2. Advanced settings
        For a project creating a web-site copy on a hard drive
        For a project downloading files on known links

3. Downloading files settings        
        For a project creating a web-site copy on a hard drive
        For a project downloading files on known links



    Tab "Main settings" is opened in initial state (if it closed just click it by mouse) and it contains following fields: "Projects file path" and "Starting URL-address", which can't be changed, and fields " Download only from the specified site" and "AutoSave project every: ", which can be changed. 
If the checkbox "Download only from the specified site" is checked, then program will download files only from the specified by you site (for example if you entered http://www.kofman.vlink.ru/index.htm as a starting URL, then only the www.kofman.vlink.ru site will be downloaded, and if there are any links to other sites they will be ignored). If you will uncheck this box program would process all links.
    In the field
"AutoSave project every:" you may specify autosaving period in seconds (600 seconds by default). If this value equals zero then project won't be autosaved.



    Tab "Main settings" is opened in initial state (if it closed just click it by mouse) and it contains following fields: "Projects file path" and "List of URL-links", which can't be changed, and field "AutoSave project every: ", which can be changed. 
    In the field "AutoSave project every:" you may specify autosaving period in seconds (600 seconds by default). If this value equals zero then project won't be autosaved.


    "Advanced settings" tab may be opened by mouse click. Here is two sections: "Downloading settings" and "Task scheduler settings".

    "Downloading settings" tab contains following fields: "Links scanning depth", "Max server response time", " Number of downloading threads", "Mask to browser", "Work through a proxy-server". 
    "Links scanning depth" field contains level before which links will be scanned, in other words if you've set scanning depth 2, and page contains link, for example,
http://www.kofman.vlink.ru/dll/index.htm then this page won't be downloaded (it will be downloaded with scanning depth of 3 or more). 
"Max server response time" field contains time in seconds after a lapse of which current link is considered to be not working. 
"Number of downloading threads" field indicates to program how much links would be downloaded simultaneously (it's not recommended to set this value to more than 5 for dial-up connections). You may set this value in interval from 1 to 15. 
    You may point browser type in the field "Mask to browser " which would be used as a "mask" for iWorm, when downloading sites. Some sites are blocking access to them for downloading programs, that's why it's necessary to imitate browser working. 
    You should check the box "Work through a proxy-server" if your computer or local net is working through a proxy. Right away two another fields will be activated: "Specify proxy-server path" and " Specify connection port". In the first field you should enter path to your proxy-server, for example proxy.provider.com ,and in other - port number. To fill this two fields right get information from your network administrator or ISP.

    If there are any scheduled task for this project, you'll see information about that in the section "Task scheduler settings", if not then "No task" would be here. If you want to reset task scheduler settings click on the button "Reset task scheduler settings".



    "Advanced settings" tab may be opened by mouse click. Here is two sections: "Downloading settings" and "Task scheduler settings".

    "Downloading settings" tab contains following fields: "Links scanning depth", "Max server response time", " Number of downloading threads", "Mask to browser", "Work through a proxy-server". 
    "Links scanning depth" field contains level before which links will be scanned, in other words if you've set scanning depth 2, and page contains link, for example,
http://www.kofman.vlink.ru/dll/index.htm then this page won't be downloaded (it will be downloaded with scanning depth of 3 or more). 
"Max server response time" field contains time in seconds after a lapse of which current link is considered to be not working. 
"Number of downloading threads" field indicates to program how much links would be downloaded simultaneously (it's not recommended to set this value to more than 5 for dial-up connections). You may set this value in interval from 1 to 15. 
    You may point browser type in the field "Mask to browser " which would be used as a "mask" for iWorm, when downloading sites. Some sites are blocking access to them for downloading programs, that's why it's necessary to imitate browser working. 
    You should check the box "Work through a proxy-server" if your computer or local net is working through a proxy. Right away two another fields will be activated: "Specify proxy-server path" and " Specify connection port". In the first field you should enter path to your proxy-server, for example proxy.provider.com ,and in other - port number. To fill this two fields right get information from your network administrator or ISP.

    If there are any scheduled task for this project, you'll see information about that in the section "Task scheduler settings", if not then "No task" would be here. If you want to reset task scheduler settings click on the button "Reset task scheduler settings".



    You may open tab "Downloading files settings" by mouse click. There are two sections on this tab: "Downloading file types" and "Project statistic".
    In a "Download file types" section you may choose how to download files from web-pages: download all files, or choose by mask. If you want to download all found files choose item "Download all found files ", or if you want to download files using mask choose item "Download files by using mask". If you choose the last a table with file extensions is activated. All extensions is grouped by file types. If you want to add your extension to a proper file type just point to a appropriate field and add your extension to existing (ATTENTION: extension should end by ; ), here you can also edit existing extensions. You may also add your own file type, for that fill in field "Additional" in compliance with above-listed directions. If you want to clear all fields, press the "Clear all&qout; button, after that it's convenient to use "Add" button and to choose those file types you want to download.
    You should check "Refresh downloaded links" box if you want (with the next start if this project) to reload those links, that were not downloaded last time by the following reasons:
- Server delay timeout
- Link weren't working

    You may check "Download web-pages backgrounds" box if you want to download web-pages backgrounds with itself.

    You should check "Download only links which are situated deeper than starting URL" if you want program to scan and download links only deeper then those which is specified in starting URL-address. For example, if starting URL were http://www.kofman.vlink.ru/dll , then only links, situated deeper then this address, for example http://www.kofman.vlink.ru/dll/ index.htm , and link http://www.kofman.vlink.ru/index.htm won't be downloaded. 

Section "Project statistic" contains information about number of found links, got by scanning downloaded web-pages, and number of downloaded files as well as number of downloaded bytes.



    You may open tab "Downloading file types" by mouse click. There are two sections on this tab: "Downloading file types" and "Project statistic".
    In a "Downloading file types" you may choose to work with the next fields: "Refresh downloaded links", "Download web-pages backgrounds", "Download only the links which are situated deeper then starting URL", "Cut out banners from web-pages".
    You should check "Refresh downloaded links" box if you want (with the next start if this project) to reload those links, that were not downloaded last time by the following reasons:
- Server delay timeout
- Link weren't working

    You may check "Download web-pages backgrounds" box if you want to download web-pages backgrounds with itself.

    You should check "Download only links which are situated deeper than starting URL" if you want program to scan and download links only deeper then those which is specified in starting URL-address. For example, if starting URL were http://www.kofman.vlink.ru/dll , then only links, situated deeper then this address, for example http://www.kofman.vlink.ru/dll/ index.htm , and link http://www.kofman.vlink.ru/index.htm won't be downloaded.

    Section "Project statistic" contains information about number of found links, got by scanning downloaded web-pages, and number of downloaded files as well as number of downloaded bytes.




    If you'll choose the point "Connection"  you would see an opened window "Internet connection settings". Here you should specify what Internet connection type is more convenient for you (or were set before you with characteristics of f your local network). Here is the next available for your choice connection types:

- Establish a connection (use this connection type if you're working from local computer with your individual modem and Internet access via internet service provider - dial-up. In this case program will call to ISP by itself and when connection is established run downloading of current project. If you have chosen this connection type you're also required to point a name of the connection from the list of available on your computer, and to point the number of redialings and time delay between redialings, when ISP's line is busy).

- Wait for any connection (this connection type is advisable when you want to dial your ISP by yourself and to run the projects downloading in desirable time).

- Work in a local net (use this mode if your computer works in a local net with other computers and your local net have Internet access).



 Task Scheduler

     Picking an item "Task Scheduler" you'll see opened window "Task Scheduler". Here you can schedule a task for program, which should be done in appointed time. It's clear that task scheduler setting is applied ONLY to the current project and will be saved in it's settings, so if you open another project scheduler settings for previous will not work. 
    ATTENTION: Currently task scheduler can work only in a dial-up mode, if you are working in a local net scheduler will work incorrectly. We'll add ability to work in a local net in the next program versions. 
    To create a task you should fill all available fields in opened window:

- Project start date: in this field you should point date, when the task will start. Date format is: DD.MM.YYYY (for example: 25.09.2002 , task is scheduled on a 25th september 2002 year). You can also use a calendar, which is accessible by clicking on a button "Look...".
- Project start time: in this field you should point time, when the task will start. Time format is: HH:MM (for example: 15:00, task is scheduled on a 3:00 PM).
- Choose defined Internet connection: in this field you should choose connection name form the list of available on your computer.
- Project's working time duration: in this field scheduling project working time is set. In other words via the time, set here, project will be stopped and Internet connection will be broken. 




    Clicking on the item "Language" will show you the list of available interface languages (Russian and English). You may choose any from those and all inscriptions, promptings and messages will be automatically translated into chosen language. 
    Firstly this feature is intended for those users, who have the non-localized Windows version, as well as for those who have russian fonts displayed incorrectly.




   Clicking on the item "Preferences" will show you the list of available settings:
- Add iWorm's shortcut on your desktop : iWorm's shortcut will be placed on your desktop, so you always may launch the program by clicking this shortcut. This setting isn't remains after program restart (absence of checkmark opposite this menu item indicates that).
- Add shortcut to your "Start" menu: iWorm's shortcut will be placed to your "Start" menu, where you always may launch the program. This setting isn't remains after program restart (absence of checkmark opposite this menu item indicates that). 
- Remember size and position of the main program's window : while working with program you may change the main window position and size as you like. If you have chosen this menu item, when the program next time will be started, the main window will be sized and positioned the same way it was the last time used. This setting is remains after the program's restart.
- Show program window above all windows: program window will be automatically placed above all windows on the display. This setting is remains after the program's restart.
- Save Internet connection settings: Once working with the program, pointed the type of Internet connection, the next time launching the program you should not point it again. This setting is remains after the program's restart.
- Place iWorm's button on a browser panel: iWorm's button will be placed on a browser quick launch panel (Internet Explorer only). This setting isn't remains after program restart (absence of checkmark opposite this menu item indicates that).



    Clicking on the menu point "Help" will cause this document appearance.





    Clicking on the point "About" will show you "About" window, where the program version will be shown as well as the name of developer and name of registered user.



 iWorm's homepage

    Clicking on the point "iWorm's homepage" will start your default browser at http://www.kofman.vlink.ru . 


 Write a letter

    Clicking on the item "Write a letter" will start your default E-Mail client and create a new letter addressed to kofman@vlink.ru .




    Clicking on the item "Registration" will cause "Registration" window to appear.  In the field "You primary key" a character-numeric code will appear, you should send this key by e-mail to kofman@vlink.ru, with this letter you also should send filled form (form file can be found in the same directory with the main program and it's called registry.txt) without fail, form isn't obligatory ONLY for those users, who had sent filled form earlier.
    As soon as final release of iWorm will be ready (keep an eye on information at our site) we'll inform you, and tell you how to send money. When we'll have received money order we'll send you final program release with your personal registration code to your e-mail address.




 FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions


<...> initial file is copied and program stops. Program writes:  
      Stream 1: download is stopped
      Stream 2: download is stopped


In that case following reasons may lead program to stop:
- absense of any links on initial URL-address (change initial URL-address)
- small scanning depth (change scanniing depth in the project preferences)
- small server response time is set (increase this value in the project preferences
- no files with types you've listed on a server (change the file types you want to download)
- no connection to Internet

Main menu


<...> program window could be enlarged, but I can't miniaturize it.


The point is that program window couldn't be miniaturized more than predefined size (595x792). In other case all control elements would go on each other.

Main menu



I have a feeling that after creation of a new project, on the right of buttons there should be projects list. But there is only one project. What is the matter?


That's not right: main program's window could be divided to 3 parts: 1st panel with controll buttons (on the left side) and two panels one above other. In the top panel downloaded links is shown (not project names), and in the bottom panel you can find information about downloading threads. Only one project may be created, and only one works (it's name can be found in the top, after inscription "iWorm xxx"). If you need to run several projects simultaneously you should run as much program copies as you need and run needed projects in each one.


Main menu



When creating new project I'm entering file name, not using button "View..." and program show "Cannot create file...". What's wrong?


It's written "Point project file DESTINATION:", this means you should write not only file name, but full path. "View..." button is inteded exactly for that you won't make any errors.


Main menu



Why connection type is can be set only for project, not for the whole program?


Check the box "Save Internet connection settings" in the program preferences and for the next project connection type and proxy-server settings will be set automatically.


Main menu



I have Microsoft's firewall. Why program isn't downloading?


If you have firewall in your local net, for example MS Proxy Server or MS ISA then for correct working it's needed to use NTLM authentication. At present program can't do that, so if you have such ability, you should turn off firewall when program works. 


Main menu



When mouse is over window's caption white square is shown. Something should be written there, maybe?


It's not a white square, it's mouse pointer in drag mode, this means you may take window and drag it wherever you want.


Main menu



I can't add new downloadable file extensions (for example .chm). When pressing button "Add" nothing comes.


The point is that in preferences by default "Download all found files" box is checked. You should check "Download files by using mask" and buttons will work and you will be able to add file types you want.


Main menu



I'm using IE 6 and have checked box "Place iWorm's button on a browser panel", but where it is?


Button were added, but it's invisible, to show it go to View > Toolbars > Customize... < and drag iWorms button from left panel to the right.


Main menu



What does the "Mask to browser" mean?


Masking to browser needs for some servers, that don't allow programs-downloaders to download pages. When masking, server would think that's it a browser downloading files and will allow to do that.

Main menu



Why program don't asking about saving project when quitting program?


Really, program don't ask about saving project when quitting, but that's easy: when you're quitting program and program is working, it stops downloading, saves project and only after that program ends working. If you're pressing button "Stop project" program stops downloading and saves project. So you won't lose your information anyway when working normally. Of course you may lose some information when power is turned-off suddenly or error will occure when writing file.

Main menu


Q. Could you tell me, when project is ended (downloading is stopped), where I can find it on my computer to see?
A. It's easy: in the folder, where project file were created ( .wrm file) will be created folders, named as the site named, so if've been downloading www.microsoft.com then in the folder with the project file folder www.microsoft.com can be found. Here is downloaded information. All downloaded links is shown in the program's window under the threads list. To view the contents of downloaded link just double click it by mouse.

Main menu