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Returned %db BRADDPRT.DLL DLL LOAD FAILUREa) The DLL '%s' failed to load. Returned %db Setup.ins /p /blpA DISK1.ID, Setup.ins /p /bntA DISK1.ID /p /blp, /p /bnt \Setup.ins StrTokens failA PORTDLG( PORT_DIALOGA StrTokens failA LPT1: CONNECTDLG! szDirA ResultA CONNECTDLG( CONECT_DIALOG2A CONECT_DIALOGA CONECT_DIALOG1A CONNECTDLG! szDirA ResultA First call to RegDBSetDefaultRoot failed.A Browse.exe BROWSE.EXE Componenta Componenta Targetb ComponentA MediaFontJ AlaskaA Antique_OaklandA PC_BrusselsA Cleveland_CondensedAp ConnecticutAp GuatemalaA Letter_GothicA MarylandAp OklahomaA N PC_TennesseeA UtahA Utah_CondensedA Fonts Browse.exe 1.00b ERROR_UNINSTSETUPR SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\UNINSTALLb2 UninstallString2 UninstallStringB brinss147.dlla brinss147.dll! 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Returned %db Windows 4.0 cVersionA pEnvironmentB pNameB pDataFileB pDriverPathB pConfigFileB pHelpFileB pDependentFilesB pMonitorNameB pDefaultDataTypeB Install Errora Printer Driver Install Fail.0x%xB WinPrint pServerNameB pPrinterNameB pShareNameB pPortNameB pDriverNameB pCommentB pLocationB pDevModeA pSepFileB pPrintProcessorB pDatatypeB pParametersB pSecurityDescriptorA AttributesA PriorityA DefaultPriorityA StartTimeA UntilTimeA StatusA cJobsA AveragePPMA pPrinterNameB Install Errora Printer Install Fail [%s]b Alaska( MediaFontb BRALARC0.TTFa Alaska BRALABC0.TTFa Alaska Extrabold Antique_Oakland( MediaFontb BRANORC0.TTFa Antique Oakland BRANOIC0.TTFa Antique Oakland Oblique BRANOBC0.TTFa Antique Oakland Bold PC_Brussels( MediaFontb BRBRURC0.TTFa PC Brussels Light BRBRUIC0.TTFa PC Brussels LightItalic BRBRUBC0.TTFa PC Brussels Demi BRBRUVC0.TTFa PC Brussels DemiItalic Cleveland_Condensed( MediaFontb BRCLCRC0.TTFa Cleveland Condensed Connecticut( MediaFontb BRCONRC0.TTFa Connecticut Guatemala( MediaFontb BRGUARC0.TTFa Guatemala Antique BRGUAIC0.TTFa Guatemala Italic BRGUABC0.TTFa Guatemala Bold BRGUAVC0.TTFa Guatemala BoldItalic Letter_Gothic( MediaFontb BRLGORC0.TTFa Letter Gothic BRLGOIC0.TTFa Letter Gothic Oblique BRLGOBC0.TTFa Letter Gothic Bold Maryland( MediaFontb BRMARRC0.TTFa Maryland Oklahoma( MediaFontb BROKLRC0.TTFa Oklahoma BROKLIC0.TTFa Oklahoma Oblique BROKLBC0.TTFa Oklahoma Bold BROKLVC0.TTFa Oklahoma BoldOblique PC_Tennessee( MediaFontb BRTENRC0.TTFa PC Tennessee Roman BRTENIC0.TTFa PC Tennessee Italic BRTENBC0.TTFa PC Tennessee Bold BRTENVC0.TTFa PC Tennessee BoldItalic Utah( MediaFontb BRUTARC0.TTFa BRUTAIC0.TTFa Utah Oblique BRUTABC0.TTFa Utah Bold BRUTAVC0.TTFa Utah BoldOblique Utah_Condensed( MediaFontb BRUTCRC0.TTFa Utah Condensed BRUTCIC0.TTFa Utah Condensed Oblique BRUTCBC0.TTFa Utah Condensed Bold BRUTCVC0.TTFa Utah Condensed BoldOblique (TrueType)Q SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\FONTSb inthelp.EXE inthelp.EXE Brdiag2.EXE Brdiag2.EXE Brdiag2.EXE brwebup.EXE -d "$ " -a "$ HL1400PCL$ " -l "$ BRADDPRT.DLL DLL LOAD FAILUREa) The DLL '%s' failed to load. 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SOFTWARE\Brother\Brother 1470N\Installed Enum\LPTENUM\BrotherHL-1470N_seri8521 LPTENUM\BrotherHL-1470N_seri8521 HL1470N brinss147.dll brunin147.dll Brother HL-1470N series Brother HL-1470N series BROHL01A BROHL01A.DRV BROHL01A.HLP BRLNG01A.DLL:BRQIKMON.EXE:BRQIKMON.HLP:BROSNMP.DLL:BRRBTOOL.EXE:GETUSER.EXE:BRRES01A.DLL:BRBMP01A.DLL BRHL1470.INI:AM_1470.DAT:HL147DEF.DAT:HL147WMK.INI Brhl14_2.inf Brother HL-1470N BR-Script2 PSCRIPT HL-1470N errmess.exe HL-1470N.INI Brother 1470N Setup Brother 1470N Brother 1470N BRINSS147 x0100004 HL-1470N, SOFTWARE\Brother\Brother 1450\Installed Enum\LPTENUM\BrotherHL-1450_serie9BDC LPTENUMBrotherHL-1450_serie9BDC HL1450 brinss147.dll brunin145.dll Brother HL-1450 series Brother HL-1450 series BROHL01A BROHL01A.DRV BROHL01A.HLP BRLNG01A.DLL:BRQIKMON.EXE:BRQIKMON.HLP:BROSNMP.DLL:BRRBTOOL.EXE:GETUSER.EXE:BRRES01A.DLL:BRBMP01A.DLL BRHL1450.INI:AM_1450.DAT:HL145DEF.DAT:HL145WMK.INI Brhl14_2.inf Brother HL-1450 BR-Script2 PSCRIPT HL-1450 errmess.exe HL-1450.INI Brother 1450 Setup Brother 1450 Brother 1450 BRINSS147 x0100004 HL-1450, SOFTWARE\Brother\Brother 1440\Installed Enum\LPTENUM\BrotherHL-1440_serie0BD1 LPTENUMBrotherHL-1440_serie0BD1 HL1440 brinss147.dll brunin144.dll Brother HL-1440 series Brother HL-1440 series BROHL01A BROHL01A.DRV BROHL01A.HLP BRLNG01A.DLL:BRQIKMON.EXE:BRQIKMON.HLP:BROSNMP.DLL:BRRBTOOL.EXE:GETUSER.EXE:BRRES01A.DLL:BRBMP01A.DLL BRHL1440.INI:AM_1440.DAT:HL144DEF.DAT:HL144WMK.INI Brhl16_2.inf Brother HL-1650/70N BR-Script3 PSCRIPT HL-1440 errmess.exe HL-1440.INI Brother 1440 Setup Brother 1440 Brother 1440 BRINSS147 x0100004 HL-1440, SOFTWARE\Brother\Brother 1230\Installed Enum\LPTENUM\BrotherHL-1230_serieE46E LPTENUMBrotherHL-1230_serieE46E HL1230 brinss147.dll brunin123.dll Brother HL-1230 series Brother HL-1230 series BROHL01A BROHL01A.DRV BROHL01A.HLP BRLNG01A.DLL:BRQIKMON.EXE:BRQIKMON.HLP:BROSNMP.DLL:BRRBTOOL.EXE:GETUSER.EXE:BRRES01A.DLL:BRBMP01A.DLL BRHL1230.INI:AM_1230.DAT:HL123DEF.DAT:HL123WMK.INI Brhl16_2.inf Brother HL-1650/70N BR-Script3 PSCRIPT HL-1230 errmess.exe HL-1230.INI Brother 1230 Setup Brother 1230 Brother 1230 BRINSS147 x0100004 HL-1230 edit( SETUPSTR862R Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SYS.CAB. Errorb _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, USER! RegisteredOwner2 RegisteredOrganization2 ISIOSVersionInfoSizeA szISCSDVersion2 SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA $ / : * ? " < > |* Severe SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! Typical, Custom, Compact szDirA ResultA SdSetupTypeEx! ResultA SdSetupTypeEx/ SdSetupTypeEx/ SdSetupTypeEx! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! 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