8.- I have disinfected a virus. Why does its name continue appearing in the report?

At the end of any scan, Panda Antivirus Titanium shows a summary of what happened during the scan. From this summary, you can click on the option View detailed report in order to view the incidents that may have occurred.

Panda Antivirus Titanium also saves a log in which it stores the incidents that have occurred in ALL of the scans that have been carried out. This is called the Scan report. In order to view it, select Scan and click on the option View report. Every incident (Start, End, names of the viruses detected,...), which has occurred during each scan that has been carried out will be displayed.

In one of these scans (or in several), one virus or more may have been detected. The virus will have been disinfected and deleted by Panda Antivirus Titanium. However, although a virus has been detected and deleted, it does not mean that information on that incident will not be displayed in the Scan report. However, if you do not want this incident to be displayed, simply click on the Delete all button. By doing this all of the contents of the report will be deleted. From then on, the report will only show the incidents that occur during the subsequent scans that you carry out. Therefore, the name of that virus will disappear from the report.