15.- How are the Rescue Disks used?

If you need to use the Rescue Disks at any time, because your computer won't start and/or you want to perform a scan from a virus free environment, this is what you should do:

  1. Switch off your computer.
  2. Insert the first floppy disk (SAFEDISK1) in the disk drive.
  3. Switch on your computer. It will boot from the floppy disk.
  4. When the computer has started up, the command prompt will appear (A:\>). This means that you are in the floppy disk drive.
  5. Take the first floppy disk out of the disk drive and insert the second (SAFEDISK2). This contains the command line antivirus (file PAVCL.EXE).
  6. Then, write the following and press enter: PAVCL /ALL /CLV /AEX
  7. Insert the third floppy disk (which contains the file PAVSIG.CMP). This will scan all of your computer.
  8. If a virus is detected in the hard disk, press the Y key in order to disinfect it.