11.- How do I configure the antivirus updates?

In order to configure the updates, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Configuration menu or the Update menu.
  2. Click on the option Configure the updates.
  3. In the first section, you can select the following options:

    • Enable automatic updates. It will update itself (without interrupting you), when it detects a connection to Internet.
    • Notify me when updating automatically. A message will be displayed when an automatic update has been carried out.

  4. If you have completed the online registration you will have a User name and Password (you will have received this data after registering).
  5. Only if you use a proxy server (not a modem) for connecting to Internet, click on the Advanced button.
  6. Click on Connection to the Internet via proxy server. This displays the Address and Port that is used.
  7. If your proxy server requires you to identify yourself in order to access Internet, check the box Proxy identification required.
  8. Enter your User name and Password that allow you to access Internet (they are not those given when registering).