Windows preferences

You can have multiple windows open in the same Opera application. These settings define the behaviour and appearance of these windows.

All windows

A fundamental setting is whether to have all your Opera windows inside a single Opera application (Multiple Document Interface), or have one Opera application per Opera window (Single Document Interface). This setting is a matter of personal preference. Try both and see what you like.

When you have no windows open, you can choose whether to maximize the first new window.

You can decide whether to include the Hotlist when tiling and cascading windows, and whether to tile all your windows every time you create a new window.

Browser windows

Some Web pages automatically create pop-up windows, like a log-in window or a window with useful information. The window could also contain advertisements. Since pop-ups often are unwanted, you can decide if and how pop-ups are displayed. Note: It is not possible to distinguish between wanted and unwanted pop-ups, so disabling pop-ups may not always give the intended result.

Since you can have multiple windows inside Opera, you can choose to open bookmarks and typed-in Web page addresses in new browser windows, rather than browsing in just one window.

Opera uses additional memory to avoid flicker when drawing images. If you have limited memory on your computer, turning this setting off will increase performance.

You can also decide whether browser windows should show scroll bars (if page is larger than window) and address bar (to type in Web page addresses). Turn these off if you want maximum screen real estate for the Web page itself.

You can decide to show the size of browser windows in the window title bar. This may be useful for Web designers who want to check how Web pages look on lower resolutions.

Main menu

Your bookmarks are organized into folders, which are available under Bookmarks on the main menu bar. If you want to perform actions on bookmarks folders without going through the Hotlist, you can make Opera show a menu in every bookmark folder that, when executed, will perform that action on that folder only.

The Bookmarks and Windows menus both show lists of Web page titles. These titles can sometimes be very long, thereby forcing the menus to be very wide. You can decide how wide you want these menus to be.